About Me

​​​Dr. Emad Al-Shawakfa is a Full Professor in Computer Science in Arabic Natural Language Processing at the Information Systems Department, Faculty of IT, Yarmouk University. Prof. Al-Shawakfa holds a PhD degree in Computer Science from Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) – Chicago, USA in the year 2000, a M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Middle East Technical University – Ankara, Turkey in the year 1989, and a B.Sc. in Computer Science from Yarmouk University – Jordan in the year 1986. Prof. Al-Shawakfa research interests are in Computer Networks, Data Mining, and Natural Language Processing and has 25+ published research articles in respected journals covering these areas. His PhD research was about creating Bi-Lingual natural language interfaces (Currently known as Generative AI) to Network Operating Systems using the concept of case frames; the first to apply the concept to the Arabic natural language processing. His research was based on work experience in networking at IIT. He has many publications in both fields and currently working on others.​ false,false,1