Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Bilingual dialogs with a network Operating System.Al-Shawakfa Emad and Evens MarthaProceedings of Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference 99, Bloomington, INMAICS 99, pp 7-12AAAI Press1999 available at
The Dialoguer: an Interactive Bilingual Interface to a Network Operating System.Al-Shawakfa Emad and Evens MarthaExpert Systems, The International Journal of Knowledge EngineeringVol. 18, No. 3, pp 131-149Blackwell2001 more info at
A Simulation Study on Bluetooth Ad Hoc Networks,Al-Shawakfa Emad and Abu-Baker AmjadAbhath Al-YarmoukVol. 14, No. 2, pp 323-335Yarmouk University2005 available at
Mining Student Data Using Decision TreesAl-Radaideh Q., Al-Shawakfa E., and Al-Najjar M.,Proceedings of the 2006 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2006)ACIT06ACIT2006
Optimizing STRIPS Algorithm using AI Planning, Al-Shawakfa E. and Al Zamil M.Abhath Al-YarmoukVol. 17, No. 1C, pp 333-352Yarmouk University2008 available at
CISCONF: A Tool for the Automatic Configuration of Cisco Routers.Al-Shawakfa E. and Hawwash A.Abhath Al-YarmoukVol. 19, No. 1, pp 107-136Yarmouk University2010 available at
A Comparison Study of Some Arabic Root Finding AlgorithmsAl-Shawakfa E., Al-Badarneh A., Shatnawi S., Al-Rabab’ah K., and Bani-Ismail B.,Journal of The American Society for Information Science and Technology,Vol. 61, No. 5, pp 1015-1024John Wiley & Sons2010 more info at
An Approach for Arabic Text Categorization using Association Rule Mining,Qasem Al-Radaideh, Emad Al-Shawakfa, Abdullah Ghareb, and Hani Abu SalemInternational Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (IJCPOL),Vol. 23, No. 1, pp 81-106.World Scientific2010 available at
A Hybrid Approach to Detecting Alerts in Arabic E-Mail Messages,Al-Radaideh Q., AlEroud A., and Al-Shawakfa E.,Journal of Information Science (JIS),Vol. 38, No. 1, pp 87-99SAGE2011 available at
A Classification Model for Predicting the Suitable Study Track for School StudentsAl-Radaideh Q., Ahmad Al-Ananbeh, Emad. M. Al-ShawakfaInternational Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied SciencesVol. 8, No. 2, pp 247-2522011 available at
Evaluating the Usability of Jordanian Public Schools WebsitesAl-Radaideh Q., Al-Shawakfa E., and Hamid E.,Proceedings of the Jordanian Scientific Research ConferenceJSRCSFSR2011
A Comparison Study between Data Mining Tools over some Classification MethodsWahbeh, A., Al-Radaideh, Q., Al-Kabi, M., and Al-Shawakfa E.,International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA),Vo. 2, No. 8, pp 18-26SAI2011 available at
Evaluating Google Queries Based On Language PreferencesAl-Eroud, A.; AlRamahi, M.; Al-Kabi, M.; Alsmadi, I. and Shawakfa, E. (Journal of Information Science (JIS)Vol. 37, No. 3, pp 282-292SAGE2011, available at
The Effect of Stemming on Arabic Text Categorization: An Empirical Study,Wahbeh A., Al-Kabi M., Al-Radaideh Q., Al-Shawakfa E., and AlSmadi I.,International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR),Vol. 1, No. 3, pp 54-70IGI Global2012
Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Detect Content-based Arabic Web SpamWahsheh H.; Abu Doush I.; Al-Kabi M.; Alsmadi I. and Al-Shawakfa E.International Journal of Information Assurance and Security (JIAS),Vol. 6Dynamic Publishers Inc. USA2012
Content Based Analysis to Detect Arabic Web SpamAl-Kabi M. N.; Wahsheh H. A.; Alsmadi I. M.; Al-Shawakfa E. M.; Wahbeh A. H. and Al-Hmoud A. M.Journal of Information Science (JIS),Vol. 38, No. 3, pp 284-296SAGE2012
Enhancing Query Retrieval Efficiency Using BGIT Coding,.Ameen A. Al-Jedady, Izzat M. Alsmadi, Emad M. Al-Shawakfa, and Mohammad N. Al-KabiProceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems CITS 2012IEEExplore2012
Enhancing retrieval and novelty detection for Arabic text using sentence level information pattern,Al-Shdaifat, Esra’a, Al-Kabi, Mohammed N, Al-Shawakfa, Emad, and Wahbeh, AbullaProceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems,CITS 2012IEEExplore2012 available at
BeesAnts: A New Nature-Inspired Routing Algorithm,Eslam Al Maghayreh, Sallam Abu al-Haija, Faisal Alkhateeb, Shadi Aljawarneh, and Emad Al-ShawakfaInternational Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems,Vol. 10, No. 1, 20132013
Evaluating English to Arabic Machine Translation Using BLEUMohammed Al-Kabi, Taghreed Hailat, Emad Al-Shawakfa, and Izzat AlsmadiInternational Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA),Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 66-73SAI2013 available at
Comparing Two Novelty Detection Models for Arabic Text Based on Sentence Level Information PatternsMohammed Al-Kabi, Esra’a AL-Shdaifat, Emad Al-Shawakfa, Abdullah Wahbeh, and Izzat AlsmadiInternational Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 117-1302012 available at
A Hybrid Approach for Indexing and Searching the Holy QuranMonther Tarawneh and Emad Al-ShawakfaJordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), ISSN: 2413-9351, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 41-50.Princess Sumaya University2015 available at
Classifying Arabic Text using KNN ClassifierAmer Al-Badarneh, Emad Al-Shawakfa, Khaleel Al-Rababah, Safwan Shatnawi, and Basel Bani-Ismail International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 7, No. 6, pp.259-268SAI2016 available at
The impact of indexing approaches on Arabic text classificationAmer Al-Badarneh, Emad Al-Shawakfa, Basel Bani-Ismail, Khaleel Al-Rababah, Safwan Shatnawi Journal of Information Science (JIS)Published February 1st, 2016 DOI: 10.1177/0165551515625030Sage Publications2016 available at
A Rule-Based Approach to Understand Questions in Arabic Question AnsweringEmad Al-ShawakfaJordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT)Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 210-231Princess Sumaya University2016 available at
An empirical study of cloud computing and big data analyticsEmad Al-Shawakfa and Hiba AlsghaierInt. J. Innovative Computing and Applications9InderScience2018
Studying and analysing students web search behaviours within three Jordanian universitiesAbdullah Hamdi Wahbeh, Mohammed Naji Al-Kabi, Majdi Ahmad Maabreh, Izzat Mahmoud Al-Smadi and Emad Mahmoud Al-ShawakfaInternational Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning24Inderscience2014
Recognition and Retrieval of Mathematical Expressions from Arabic DocumentsEmad Al-Shawakfa and Mohammed TawalbehInternational Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering9WARSE2020
A graph proximity feature augmentation approach for identifying accounts of terrorists on twitterAhmed AleroudNisreen Abu-AlsheehEmad Al-ShawakfaComputers & Security99Elsevier2020
A Two-Stage Machine Learning Classification Approach to Identify Extremism in Arabic OpinionsEmad M. Al-Shawakfa and Hind H. HusniInternational Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering10WARSE2021
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