Best Practices for Tour Guides at Christian and Islamic Religious Sites: A Case Study of Jordan. In Cases on Tour Guide Practices for Alternative Tourism | • Sawsan Khreis, Jean Michel Chapuis and Mohammed Shunnaq | ---- | ---- | 154 -181 | IGI Global publisher | Cases on Tour Guide Practices for Alternative Tourism | 2020 |
TRIBAL NETWORKS AND INFORMAL ADAPTIVE MECHANISMS OF THE REFUGEES THE CASE OF THE BANI KHALID TRIBE IN JORDAN, SYRIA AND LEBANON. | • Päivi Miettunen, University of Helsinki, Finland Mohammed Shunnaq, Yarmouk University, Jordan | ---- | ---- | 18 -47 | Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs | ---- | 2020 |
Interdisciplinary Solutions for Tertiary Education Institutions and a Stagnating Labor Market in Jordan: A Case Study at a Public University | • Shunnaq, S. Mohammed and Susanne Ramadan Shunnaq | ---- | ---- | 280 -315 | IGI Global Disseminator of Knowledge. | Promoting Interdisciplinarity in Knowledge Generation and Problem Solving. | 2018 |
Best?Practices?for?Tour?Guides?at?Christian?and?Islamic?Religious?Sites:?A?Case?Study?of?Jordan? | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | IGI Global Publisher of timely knowledge | ---- | 2020-07-01 00:00:00 |