Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Camel-Trekking in Jordan: Between Orientalist Perspective and Authentic Tourist Expectation" CamelsShunnaq, Mohammed and Susanne Ramadan. Austrian Academy of Sciences2012
Tourism-Benefits for Many Problems for Some? Anthropological Insights through Case Examples from JoShunnaq, MohammedAAS Working Papers in Social Anthropology (13):1-12. Austrian Academy of Sciences.(2010).
Environment and Cultural Behavior through History in Irbid City, Jordan. Shunnaq, MohammedProceedings II:642-1654. Proceedings II Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (2010)
Residential Groupings at the Al Qasser Site in Al Karak Governorate, Jordan. Shiyab, Atef, Mohammed ShunnaqIn Dirasat Tarikhiyyah: Revue Historique Traimestrielle S'interesse Al'Historire de Arabes (107-108)Damascus University. Syrian A. (2009).
Cross-Cultural Cyber-Marriages: A Post-Modern Socio-Economic Strategy (the Case of Jordanian Youth)Mohammed ShunnaqJournal for the Study of Race, Nation, and Culture15,2: 169-186Routledge (2009)
The Modern Socio-Cultural Significance of the Jordanian Bedouin Tent. , , Na'mneh, Mahmoud, Mohammed Shunnaq, Tasbasi, Aysegul.Nomadic Peoples 12,1: 149-163by Commission on Nomadic Peoples International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological (2008)
Internet Cafes in Jordan: A Socio-Anthropological Study. Haddad, Jihan, Mohammed ShunnaqUniversity of Sharjah Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences6,1: 27-54University of Sharjah (2008)
Community Development Using a Sustainable Tourism Strategy: a Case Study of the Jordan River ValleyShunnaq, Mohammed, William A. Schwab, and Margaret F. Reid.International Journal of Tourism Research10: 1-14Welly(2008).
Tourism between Theory and Practice: The Case of Jordan E. Shunnaq, Mohammed.gyptian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality8, 1: 165-179.(2006)
Old and Traditional Housing Types and Their Impact on the Formation of Social Relationships in a JoShunnaq, Mohammed.Egyptian Journal of Contemporary Psychology and Human Sciences 17,2: 275-316. El-Minia(2006).
Camel-Trekking in Jordan: Between Orientalist Perspective and Authentic Tourist Expectation" CamelsShunnaq, Mohammed and Susanne Ramadan.مجلد----Austrian Academy of Sciences2012
Toward An anthropological School to study the societies in the Arab region. Journal of social changeMohammed S. ShunnaqJournal of social change3De L'Universite Mohamed Khider, Biskra- Algerie2017
Tourism and Local Community: the Case of Aqaba CityShunnaq, Mohammed, O. Jahwabereh, M. AlAllan, and F. DarabsehRevue Des Sciences Humaines: Revue Scientifique a Comite de Lecture----De L'Universite Mohamed Khider, Biskra- Algerie.2016
Land-use in Bedouin societies, JordanShunnaq, MohammedLands of the future. Pastoralist knowledge in a globalizing world--------2016
Land-use in Bedouin societies, JordanShunnaq, MohammedLands of the future. Pastoralist knowledge in a globalizing world--------2016
Questioning Transjordan's Historic Desertification: A Critical Review of the Paradigm of 'Empty Lands• Lucke, Bernhard, Mohammed Shunnaq, Bethany Walker, Atef Shiyyab, Zeidoun MuheisenLevant44 (1):----2012
Northern Jordan Project 2010: the al-Turra Survey• Walker, Bethany, J. and Mohammed Shunnaq et.alAnnuals of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan--------2011
Northern Jordan Project 2010: the al-Turra Survey• Walker, Bethany, J. and Mohammed Shunnaq et.alAnnuals of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan--------2011
The Impact of Information Technology on Social Relationships Within and Among Jordanian Families: An Anthropological Study, Irbid Jordan• Shunnaq, M. and M. Na'amnehRevue Des Sciences Humaines: Revue Scientifique a Comite de Lecture--------2011
Tourism-Benefits for Many Problems for Some? Anthropological Insights through Case Examples from Jordan• Shunnaq, MohammedAAS Working Papers in Social Anthropology13Austrian Academy of Sciences2010