Delay Spread Statistics in Simulcast Transmission System | Alshamali, A., and Aloqleh, M. | Electronic Letters | 38: 992-994. | | 2002 |
Statistical Properties of the Delay Spread in a Two Path Mobile Radio with Nakagami Fading Channel | Ahmad M. Alshamali, M. S. Aloqleh | International Journal of Electronics and Communications, (AEU) | 59:222-229. | | 2005 |
Outage Probability Analysis of Multi-hop Relayed Wireless Networks over η-μ Fading Channels | Osamah S. Badarneh, Taimour Aldalgamouni, Mohammed Aloqlah | AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications | Volume 67, Issue 10, Pages 833–838 | | 2013 |
Performance Analysis of Spatial Modulation over Weibull Fading Channels | Alshamali, A., and Aloqleh, M. | WSEAS Transactions on Communications | Vol. 12 Issue 11, p604-607 | | 2013 |
Performance Analysis of Dual‐Hop Systems with Decode‐and‐Forward Relays over Generalized Fading | Mohammed S. Aloqlah, Osamah S. Badarneh | Journal of Communications | Vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 407‐413 | | 2013 |
A Masters Program in Telecommunications Management–Demand‐Based Program Design | K. Gharaibeh,…., Mohammed Aloqlah | European Journal of Engineering Education | Ahead-of-print. | | 2014 |
Performance Analysis of Energy Detection – Based – Spectrum Sensing in κ-μ Shadowed Fading | M. Aloqlah | Electronic Letters | Vol.50, no.25, pp.1944-1946 | | 2014. |
Performance Analysis of Dual-Hop Fixed-Gain Relay Systems over Extended Generalized-K Fading Channel | M. Aloqlah | Wireless pers commun | vol.83, Issue 1, pp. 619-630 | | 2015 |
Spectrum-Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks over Composite Multipath/ Shadowed Fading" | Ibrahimi Atawi, Osamah Badarneh, Mohammed Aloqlah, Raed Mesleh | Computer and Electrical Engineering | | | 2016 |
Performance Analysis of Digital Communication Systems over Generalized α-λ-μ and α-η-μ Fading Cha | O. Badarneh, M. Aloqlah | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | | | 2016 |
Study of Delay Spread for Simulcast Radio Transmission in Time-Dispersive Mobile Radio Network | Mohammed S Aloqlah, Ahmad M Alshamali, Tamara Bani Salman | Wireless Personal Communications | ---- | ---- | 2018/7/1 |
An accurate performance analysis for regenerative multi-hop relaying in wireless networks over composite multipath/shadowed fadin | Mohammed S Aloqlah, Firas A Nawafleh | Wireless Personal Communications | ---- | ---- | 2017/9/1 |