Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Delay Spread Statistics in Simulcast Transmission SystemAlshamali, A., and Aloqleh, M. Electronic Letters38: 992-994. 2002
Statistical Properties of the Delay Spread in a Two Path Mobile Radio with Nakagami Fading ChannelAhmad M. Alshamali, M. S. AloqlehInternational Journal of Electronics and Communications, (AEU) 59:222-229. 2005
Outage Probability Analysis of Multi-hop Relayed Wireless Networks over η-μ Fading ChannelsOsamah S. Badarneh, Taimour Aldalgamouni, Mohammed AloqlahAEU - International Journal of Electronics and CommunicationsVolume 67, Issue 10, Pages 833–8382013
Performance Analysis of Spatial Modulation over Weibull Fading ChannelsAlshamali, A., and Aloqleh, M.WSEAS Transactions on CommunicationsVol. 12 Issue 11, p604-6072013
Performance  Analysis  of  Dual‐Hop Systems with Decode‐and‐Forward Relays over Generalized Fading  Mohammed  S.  Aloqlah,  Osamah  S.  BadarnehJournal of CommunicationsVol. 8, no. 7, pp. 407‐4132013
A Masters Program in  Telecommunications Management–Demand‐Based Program DesignK. Gharaibeh,…., Mohammed AloqlahEuropean Journal of Engineering EducationAhead-of-print.2014
Performance Analysis of Energy Detection – Based – Spectrum Sensing in κ-μ Shadowed FadingM. AloqlahElectronic LettersVol.50, no.25, pp.1944-19462014.
Performance Analysis of Dual-Hop Fixed-Gain Relay Systems over Extended Generalized-K Fading ChannelM. AloqlahWireless pers communvol.83, Issue 1, pp. 619-6302015
Spectrum-Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks over Composite Multipath/ Shadowed Fading"Ibrahimi Atawi, Osamah Badarneh, Mohammed Aloqlah, Raed MeslehComputer and Electrical Engineering2016
Performance Analysis of Digital Communication Systems over Generalized α-λ-μ and α-η-μ Fading ChaO. Badarneh, M. AloqlahIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology2016
Study of Delay Spread for Simulcast Radio Transmission in Time-Dispersive Mobile Radio NetworkMohammed S Aloqlah, Ahmad M Alshamali, Tamara Bani SalmanWireless Personal Communications--------2018/7/1
An accurate performance analysis for regenerative multi-hop relaying in wireless networks over composite multipath/shadowed fadinMohammed S Aloqlah, Firas A NawaflehWireless Personal Communications--------2017/9/1