Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Fatigue Life Degradation Modeling of SnAgCu Solder Joints After Aging--------10----2020-06-05 00:00:00
Shear Strength Degradation Modeling of Lead-Free Solder Joints at Different Isothermal Aging Conditions.Hani, D. B., Al Athamneh, R., Aljarrah, M., & Hamasha, S. D.Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging18----2021
Fatigue life degradation modeling of SnAgCu solder joints after aging.Al Athamneh, R., Hani, D. B., & Ali, H.EEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology,10(7), 1175-1184.IEEE2020
Modeling the Effect of Magnesium Content on the Electrical Conductivity and Hardness of Technical Aluminum (1050) AlloyDania Bani Hani 1 , Raed Al Athamneh 2 , Zaid Albataineh 1,*, Mustafa Rawashdeh 2 and Issam MakablehCrystals--------25-3-2022
Effect of Aging Temperature on the Fatigue Resistance and Shear Strength of SAC305 Solder JointsDania Bani Hani; Raed Al Athamneh; Sa’d HamashaIEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability22IEEE29-3-2022
Shear Strength Degradation Modeling of Lead-Free Solder Joints at Different Isothermal Aging ConditionsDania Bani Hani; Raed Al Athamneh; Mohammed Aljarrah; Sa’d HamashaJournal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging18International Microelectronics And Packaging Society7-9-2021
Fuzzy Approach for Reliability Modeling of Lead-Free Solder Joints in Elevated Temperature Environmental ConditionsRaed Al Athamneh, Mohammed Abueed, Dania Bani Hani, Sa’ HamashaCrystals12MDPI20-5-2022
Factor Analysis of Quality Management Systems Implementation in Healthcare: An Online SurveyMustafa Rawshdeh, Heather Keathley, Shahed Obeidat, Raed Athamenh, Moayad Tanash, Dania Bani HaniHealthcare10MDPI2022/9/21
A PDCA Framework towards a Multi-Response Optimization of Process Parameters Based on Taguchi-Fuzzy ModelMoayad Tanash, Raed Al Athamneh, Dania Bani Hani, Mumen Rababah, Zaid AlbatainehProcesses10MDPI2022/9/18
Fuzzy Approach for Reliability Modeling of Lead-Free Solder Joints in Elevated Temperature Environmental ConditionsRaed Al Athamneh, Mohammed Abueed, Dania Bani Hani, Sa’d HamashaCrystals12MDPI2022/5/26
Reliability modeling of the fatigue life of lead-free solder joints at different testing temperatures and load levels using the Arrhenius modelBani Hani, D., Al Athamneh, R., Abueed, M., & Hamasha, S. D.Scientific reportsSci Rep 13, 2493 (2023).Springer Nature13-2-2023
Variable Neighbor hood Search Algorithm for the Single Assignment Incomplete Hub Location Problem with Modular Capacities and Direct ConnectionsRaedALAthamneha,MoayadTanasha,∗,DaniaBaniHanib,MustafaRawshdeha, AbdallahAlawina,ZaidAlbatainehOperations research perspectives11Elsevier1-12-2023
Arrhenius Fatigue Life Modeling for Lead-free Solder Joints in Accelerated Combined Fatigue and Creep Tests at Different Operating TemperaturesR. A. Athamneh, D. B. Hani, S. Hamasha and M. Abueed,IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology1IEEE10-3-2023
Neural-fuzzy machine learning approach for the fatigue-creep reliability modeling of SAC305 solder joints.Bani Hani, D., Al Athamneh, R., Abueed, M., & Hamasha, S. D.Sci Rep13Springer Nature26-5-2023
Assessing the accuracy of a wireless sensor system for estimating lumbar moments during manual lifting tasks considering the effects of load weight, asymmetry, and heightIván Nail-Ulloa a b , Rong Huangfu b , Michael Zabala a , Dania Bani Hani c , Nathan Pool b , Howard Chen d , Mark C. Schall Jr. b , Richard Sesek b , Sean Gallagher bInternational Journal of Industrial Ergonomics103----31-8-2024