Small column experiment to evaluate compost materials as filter media to remove colloidal particles | Aiman Q. Jaradat, Thomas M. Holsen, Stefan Grimberg | | | |
Colloid Concentration Effect on Natural Media Filtration Efficiency | Sherri Cook, Stefan Grimberg, Thomas Holsen, and Aiman Q. Jaradat | | | |
Evaluation of Natural Media Filter (NMF) for treatment of stormwater contaminated with hydr | Aiman Q. Jaradat, Thomas M. Holsen, Stefan Grimberg | | | |
colloidal transport through porous media | Aiman Q. Jaradat, Thomas M. Holsen, Stefan Grimberg | | | |
Modeling of colloids and colloid-associated contaminants in porous media | Aiman Q. Jaradat, Thomas M. Holsen, Stefan Grimberg | | | |
Evaluation of A Green Courtyard: Stormwater reduction and treatment at an Aluminum Refinery | Darshi Dissanayake, Thomas Holsen, Roger Nichols, Jaw Fu, Stefan Grimberg, and Aiman Q. Jaradat | | | |
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Production of a new biofuel from olive mill wastewater | Aiman Q. Jaradat and Sameh H. Gharaibeh | | | |
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Evaluation of condensate quality produced from olive mill wastewater
(OMW) by solar energy. | Sameh Gharaibeh and Aiman Jaradat | | | |
A scaling of geothermal energy utilization using ground heat exchangers | K.K. Altarawneha*, O.Buzzib;S.W. Sloanc; H.S. Abu Zaherd, C. Gaudine, A.Q. Jaradatf, Y.T. Obaidatg, | | | |