Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
A new perfect hashing and pruning algorithm for mining association ruleHassan Najadat, Amani Shatnawi, Ghadeer ObiedatCommunications of the IBIMA--------1-1-2011
Cybersecurity awareness factors among adolescents in Jordan: Mediation effect of cyber scale and personal factorsAnas AlSobeh, Iyad AlAzzam, Amani M. Shatnawi, Iman KhasawnehONLINE JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES--------2023/2/7
Utilizing Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm to Extend the WSN lifetimeSawsan Alshattnawi, Lubna Afifi, Amani M. Shatnawi, Malek M. BarhoushInternational Journal of Computing--------2022/3/30
Generating a language-independent graphical user interfaces from UML models.Amany Shatnawi, Raed ShatnawiInt. Arab J. Inf. Technol.--------2016/1/1
The Effectiveness of a Training Program based on health education in improving Health Empowerment level among Refugees in JordanAhmed Al-Sharifin, Noor Bahr, Amani M. Shatnawi, Anas M.R AlSobehHuman and Social Sciences, University of Jordan--------2022
فاعلية برنامج تدريبي مستند إلى الدعم النفسي الاجتماعي في رفع مستوى التمكين النفسي لدى اللاجئينNader S AL-Refai, Noor A Albahr, Amna F Migdady, Eman I AL-Mifleh, Amani Shatnawi, Anas AlSobehInternational Journal of Psychological and Educational Research--------2022/9/16