The induction of chromosome aberrations in human peripheral lymphocytes following in vitro exposure Ahmad M. Khalil
Radiofrequency field-induced cytogenetic effects in cultured human lymphocytesKhalil, A. M., W. Qassem and M. Suleiman
Cytogenetic changes in human lymphocytes from occupationally exposed to high- voltage electromagnetiKhalil, A.M., W. Qassem and F. Amoura
Toxicity and partial characterization of Ecballium elaterium fruit juiceKhalil, A.M. and K. Qaoud
Genetic toxicology of benzene and its derivatives in rat bone marrow cell culturesKhalil, A. M. and M. M. T. Odeh
Biological monitoring of petrochemical workers: Chromosomal aberrations, sister chromatid exchanges Khalil, A. M., W. Qassem and O. M. Kamal
In vitro cytogenetic and cytotoxic testing of fluorides with rat bone marrow cellsAhmad M. Khalil
Evaluation of the cytogenetic effects of formaldehyde in cultured human lymphocytes using cytokinesiAhmad M. Khalil
Testing embryotoxicity and genotoxicity of the insecticide primicid in chick embryoKhalil, A. M. and E. F. A. El-Dawy
Genetic and Disabilities: Identification, assessment and interventionAhmad M. Khalil
Environmental Impact of Electromagnetic FieldsAhmad M. Khalil
Isolation and Characterization of microcystin-LR from Microcystis aerugnosa from King Talal water reAl-Jassabi S., and A. M. Khalil
Inhibition of the in Vitro Growth of Human Mammary Carcinoma Cell Line (MCF-7) by Selenium and VitamAhmad M. Khalil
Detection of oxidative stress induced by mobile phone radiation in tissues of mice using 8-oxo-7, 8-Khalil, A. M., A. M. Alshamali, and M. H. Gagaa
Short-term use of cell phones has no significant effect on the salivary oxidant/ antioxidant profileKhalil AM, Abu Khadra KM, Aljaberi AM, Gagaa MH, and Issa HS