Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
The induction of chromosome aberrations in human peripheral blood lymphocytes following exposure to Khalil, A.M. Mutat. Res224: 503-5061989
Chromosome aberrations, sister-chromatid exchanges and cell-cycle kinetics in peripheral blood lymphKhalil, A.M. and A.M. MaslatMutat. Res. 232: 227-2321990
Cytogenetic effects of pulsing electromagnetic field on human lymphocytes in vitro: chromosome aberrKhalil, A.M. and W. QassemMutat Res247:14-1461991
Mutagenic effects of two suspected anticarcinogenic compounds in Salmonella typhimuriumMaslat, A. O. and A. M. KhalilToxicol. Environ. Chem. 33: 23-29 33: 23-29 1991
Cytogenetic changes in human lymphocytes from workers occupationally exposed to high - voltage elecKhalil, A.M., W. Qassem and F. AmouraElectro-Magnetobiol (FormerlyJ. Bioelectr.)12: 17-261993
Toxicity and partial characterization of Ecballium elaterium fruit juice. Khalil, A. M. and K. Qaoud.Int. J. Pharmacog.31: 135-145 1993
A preliminary study on the radiofrequency field - induced cytogenetic effects in cultured human lympKhalil, A. M., W. Qassem and M. Suleiman.Dirasat (Pure and Applied Sciences) 20 B: 121-130 1993
No significant increase in sister-chromatid exchanges in cultured blood lymphocytes from workers in Khalil, A.M., W. Qassem and O.M. Kamal.Mutat Res 312: 187-191 1994
The genotoxic and cytotoxic activities of inorganic fluorides in cultured rat bone marrow cells. Khalil, A.M., A . A. Da' dara.Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.26: 60-631994
Genetic toxicology of benzene and its derivatives in rat bone marrow cell cultures. Khalil, A. M. and M. M. T. Odeh Toxicol. Environ. Chem.45: 157-166 1994
Isolation and characterization of excretory/ secretory from in vitro developmental stages of EchinHussein, A. M., S. K. Abdel-Hafez and A. M. Khalil.Jpn. J. Parasitol.43: 82-89 1994
Genotoxicity of two pharmacologically important selenium compounds (selenocystine and selenopuridineKhalil, A. M.Toxicol. Environ. Chem.41: 147-1541994
Chromosome aberratoins in rat bone marrow cells treated with inorganic fluorides. Khalil, A. M.Mutat. Res.343: 67-74 1995
Chromosome aberrations in blood lymphocytes from petroleum refinery workers. Khalil, A. M.Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 28: 236-239 1995
Biological monitoring of petrochemical workers: Chromosomal aberrations and sister-chromatid exchangKhalil, A. M., W. Qassem and O. M. Kamal.Cancer Detect. Prevent.19(1) 1995
A Search for possible cytogenetic effects of low frequency vibrations in cultured human blood lymphoKhalil, A. M. and W. Qassem.Hum. Exp. Toxicol.15: 504-507 1996
The in vitro genotoxic activity of albendazol and praziquantel, singly and in combination in human bKhalil, A. M.Qatar Univ. Sci. J.16: 193-1081996
Evaluation of the cytogenetic effects of formaldehyde in cultured lymphocytes using cytokinesis - blKhalil, A. M. Al-Azhar Bllet. Sci. 511-525 1997
Genotoxicity and embryotoxicity of the insecticide primicid in chick embryo. Khalil, A. M. and E. F. A. El-Dawy.Qatar Univ. Sci. J. 20: 125-130 2000
A notable antimutagenicity of two nonmutagenic novel oxadiazoles in Salmonella mutagenicity assay. Maslat, A., A. Khalil, A., Fares, H. Tashtoush, and M. El-Talib. Drug. Chem. Toxicol.27: 157-167 2004
Micronucleus formation in normochromatic erythrocytes from mice treated with newly synthesized oxadiKhalil, A. A. Maslat and A. Fares.Abhath Al-Yarmouk: "Basic Sci. & Eng.". 13: 87-95 2004
In vitro cytogenetic testing of an organoselenium compound and its sulfur analogue in rat bone marroJacob, J.H., A. M. Khalil and A.O. Maslat.J. Carcinogen. 3: 5 2004
The first report of nodularin from King Talal water reservoir (Jordan). Al-Jassabi S., and A. M. Khalil. J. Biol. Sci. 4: 559-563 2004
The immunocytogenetic effects of sex hormones in women undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment. Al-Qashi, S. S., K.M. Al-Qaoud M. J’afer and A. M. Khalil.Hum. Exp. Toxicol. 5: 1-5 2006
Initial report on identification and toxicity of Microcystis in King Talal Reservoir, Jordan.Al-Jassabi, S. and A. M. Khalil. Lakes Reserv. : Res. Manage. 11: 125 - 129 2006
Microcystin - induced 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in DNA and its reduction by melatonin, vitamin C and vAl-Jassabi, S. and A. Khalil.Biochemistry (Moscow). 71: 129-136 2006
Biochemical studies on the role of selenium and lycopene in the protection of mice against microcystAl-Jassabi, S. and A. Khalil.Abhath Al- Yarmouk J. (Pure Sci. Eng. Series). 16: 49-57 2007
Isolation and characterization of microcystin-LR from Microcystis aeruginosa from King Talal water rAl-Jassabi, S., A. Khalil Proceedings of the Third Conference for The International Congress Of Chemistry And Environment. Ku541-553 2007 .
Genotoxicity of different tert-butyl calyx [4] crowns. Khalil, A., A. Maslat, A. Hafez, S. Mizyed, and M. Ashram.Z. Naturforsch. 63 c: 167-175 2009
Inhibition of the in vitro growth of human mammary carcinoma cell line (MCF-7) by selenium and vitamKhalil, A.Jordan J. Biol. Sci.2 (1): 37-46 2009
A Karyotypic study of the genus Gerbillus (Mammalia: Rudentia: Muridae) from Jordan. Abu Baker, M., A. M. Khalil A. M., F. Sheyab and Z. Amr.Vertebrate Zool.59:115-1202009
A Karyotypic study of the genus Gerbillus (Mammalia: Rudentia: Muridae) from Jordan. Abu Baker, M., A. M. Khalil A. M., F. Sheyab and Z. Amr.Vertebrate Zool.59:115-120 2009
No significant cytogenetic effects in cultured human lymphocytes exposed to cell phones radiofrequenKhalil, A. and A. Alshamali.Jordan J. Biol. Sci. 3: 21-27 2010
Detection of oxidative stress induced by mobile phone radiation in tissues of mice using 8-oxo-7, 8-Khalil, A. M., A. M. Alshamali, and M. H. GagaaWorld Acad. Sci. Engin. Technol. 76: 599-604 2011
8-oxo-7, 8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine as a biomarker of DNA damage by mobile phone radiation. Khalil AM, Gagaa MH, Alshamali AM.Hum. Exp. Toxicol. 31: 734-740 2012
Histological and ultrastructural analysis of organs from Balb/c male mice exposed to 900 MHz mobile Khalil A, Al-Adhammi M, Al-shara B, Gagaa M, Rawshdeh A , Alshamli A.J. Toxicol. Rev. 1: 1-6 2012
Assessment of oxidant/antioxidant status in saliva of cell phone users. Khalil AM, Abu Khadra KM, Aljaberi AM, Gagaa MH, and Issa HSElectromagn. Biol. Med. In Press2013
Exon1 and -116 C/G Promoter Polymorphism on the X-Box DNA Binding Protein- 1 Gene is not Associated with Breast Cancer among Jordanian WomenLulu H Alsheikh Hussein, Ahmad M Khalil*, Ahmad Y Alghadi, Abed Alkarem Abu AlhaijaAsian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention20Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (APOCP)24/9/2019
Cytogenetic activity of methanolic extract of aerial parts of Plumbago europaea on Balb/C mouse bone marrow cells.Khalil AM, HM, El-Oqlah AAJ. Herb. Drugs9----2018
In vivo combined treatment of rats with ivermectin and aged garlic extract attenuates ivermectin-induced cytogenotoxicity in bone marrow cells.Ahmad M Khalil and Abu Samra HMResearch in Veterinary Science140Elsevier2018
Inhibition of the Inositol Requiring Protein 1α- X-Box Binding Protein-1 Pathway as a Promising Therapeutic Target for Human Prostate CancerAhmad M Khalil, Ahmad Y Alghadi, Rahaf MT Shahen, Jehad W ElasadJournal of Cancer Research and Treatment6Science and Education Publishing2018
Prevalence of musculoskeletal risk factors among truck drivers at the Jordan Petroleum Refinery CompanyAhmad M Khalil and Wajeeh F QassemEngineering and Technology Journal2Everant Journals2017
Biochemical and histopathological effects of the stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa) venom in rats.Khalil AM, Wahsha MA, Abu Khadra KM, Khalaf MAToxicon142Elsevier2018
Unique expression of the XBP1 gene correlates with human prostate cancerAlghadi AY, Khalil AM, Alazab RS, Aldaoud NHJournal of Investigative Genomics4MedCrave2017
Preliminary evaluation of acute cytogenotoxicity of a novel phenylboronic acid derivative; 2-(bromoacetamido) phenylboronic acid using the Allium cepa chromosome aberrations assayAhmad M Khalil, Wala’K Salman, Khaled M Al-QaoudCaryologia70Taylor & Francis2017
Preliminary evaluation of acute cytogenotoxicity of a novel phenylboronic acid derivative; 2-(bromoacetamido) phenylboronic acid using the Allium cepa chromosome aberrations assayAhmad M Khalil, Wala’K Salman, Khaled M Al-QaoudCaryologia70Taylor & Francis2017
Evaluation of Genotoxic Potential of 2-(Bromoacetamido) Phenylboronic Acid on Balb/C Mice Peripheral Blood Cells Using In Vivo Micronucleus AssayAhmad M Khalil, Wala’K Salman, Khaled M Al-QaoudJordan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences10DAR Publishers/The University of Jordan2017
Evaluation of selected biochemical parameters in the saliva of young males using mobile phonesKhalid M Abu Khadra, Ahmad M Khalil, Mahmoud Abu Samak, Ahmad AljaberiElectromagnetic biology and medicine34Informa Healthcare2015
Survey of Community Perception of Genetic Implications of Consanguineous Marriage in Almadina Almunawwarah Area in Saudi Arabia.Ahmad M Khalil and HM DaradkaJ Investig Genomics2MedCrave2015
Assessment of oxidant/antioxidant status in saliva of cell phone usersAhmad M Khalil, Khalid M Abu Khadra, Ahmad M Aljaberi, Marwan H Gagaa, Hamzah S IssaElectromagnetic biology and medicine33Taylor & Francis2014
Antioxidant profile of saliva among young men using mobile phonesKhalid M Abu Khadra, Ahmad M Khalil, Mahmoud Abu Samak, Ahmad AljaberiJordan journal of biological sciences147The Hashemite University: The Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies2014
Lack of Association of Human Prostate Cancer with Exon 1 and - 116 C/G Promoter Polymorphism on the X-Box DNA Binding Protein-1 GeneAhmad M. Khalil, Lulu H. Alsheikh Hussien, Ahmad Y. Alghadi, Rami S. Alazab, Ahmad Y. Alwuhoush, Mohammad A. Al-Ghazo and Najla H. AldaoudJordan Journal of Biological Sciences12----1/12/2019
Lack of Association of Human Prostate Cancer with Exon 1 and - 116 C/G Promoter Polymorphism on the X-Box DNA Binding Protein-1 GeneAhmad M. Khalil , Lulu H. Alsheikh Hussien , Ahmad Y. Alghadi , Rami S. Alazab , Ahmad Y. Alwuhoush , Mohammad A. Al-Ghazo and Najla H. AldaoudJordan Journal of Biological Sciences12The Hashemite University1/12/2019
Lack of Association of Human Prostate Cancer with Exon 1 and - 116 C/G Promoter Polymorphism on the X-Box DNA Binding Protein-1 GeneAhmad M. Khalil*, Lulu H. Alsheikh Hussien, Ahmad Y. Alghadi, Rami S. Alazab, Ahmad Y. Alwuhoush, Mohammad A. Al-Ghazo and Najla H. AldaoudJordan Journal of Biological Sciences12The Hashemite University1/12/2019
Lack of Association of Human Prostate Cancer with Exon 1 and - 116 C/G Promoter Polymorphism on the X-Box DNA Binding Protein-1 GeneAhmad M. Khalil*, Lulu H. Alsheikh Hussien, Ahmad Y. Alghadi, Rami S. Alazab, Ahmad Y. Alwuhoush, Mohammad A. Al-Ghazo and Najla H. AldaoudJordan Journal of Biological Sciences12Hashemite University2019
Lack of Association of Human Prostate Cancer with Exon 1 and - 116 C/G Promoter Polymorphism on the X-Box DNA Binding Protein-1 GeneAhmad M. Khalil, Lulu H. Alsheikh Hussien, Ahmad Y. Alghadi, Rami S. Alazab, Ahmad Y. Alwuhoush, Mohammad A. Al-Ghazo and Najla H. AldaoudJordan Journal of Biological Sciences12The Hashemite University2019
Lack of Association of Human Prostate Cancer with Exon 1 and - 116 C/G Promoter Polymorphism on the X-Box DNA Binding Protein-1 GeneAhmad M. Khalil, Lulu H. Alsheikh Hussien, Ahmad Y. Alghadi, Rami S. Alazab, Ahmad Y. Alwuhoush, Mohammad A. Al-Ghazo and Najla H. AldaoudJordan Journal of Biological Sciences12Hashemite University2019
Exon1 and -116 C/G Promoter Polymorphism on the X-Box --------------------
Exon1 and -116 C/G Promoter Polymorphism on the X-Box DNA Binding Protein- 1 Gene is not Associated with Breast Cancer among Jordanian Women--------20Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention,2019-09-24 00:00:00
Lack of Association of Human Prostate Cancer with Exon 1 and - 116 C/G Promoter Polymorphism on the X-Box DNA Binding Protein-1 Gene--------12Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 2019-12-05 00:00:00
Association between Mobile Phone Using and DNA Damage of Epithelial Cells of the Oral MucosaAhmad M Khalil, Israa F. Alemam, Khaled M Al-QaoudJournal of Biotechnology and Biomedicine3FORTUNE29/052020
The genome editing revolution: reviewAhmad M KhalilJournal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology18Springer Nature29/10/2020
The genome editing revolution: review--------18Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology2020-10-29 00:00:00
Apoptosis, guardian of the genome: ReviewAhmad Mohammad KhalilWorld Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences5----21/01/2021
Apoptosis, guardian of the genome: Review.Ahmad Mohammad KhalilWorld Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences5World Journal Services-India21/1/2021
Assessment of the In Vivo Reprotoxicity of Isotretinoin in Sprague–Dawley Male RatAhmad Khalil*, Mai Daradkeh, Amneh Alrabie and Hasan Abo SiamCurrent Drug Discovery Technologies20Bentham Science16/8/23
Assessment of the In Vivo Reprotoxicity of Isotretinoin in Sprague–Dawley Male RatAhmad Khalil*, Mai Daradkeh, Amneh Alrabie and Hasan Abo SiamCurrent Drug Discovery Technologies20Bentham Science16/8/23
Assessment of the In Vivo Reprotoxicity of Isotretinoin in Sprague-Dawley Male RatAhmad Khalil 1, Mai Daradkeh 1, Amneh Alrabie 1, Hasan Abo Siam 1Curr Drug Discov Technol20Bentham Science16/8/23
Assessment of the In Vivo Reprotoxicity of Isotretinoin in Sprague-Dawley Male RatAhmad Khalil , Mai Daradkeh , Amneh Alrabie , Hasan Abo SiamCurr Drug Discov Technol20Bentham Scientific16/8/2023