About Me

Sinan Obaidat is an assistant professor of indusrial engineering working at Yarmouk University. Dr. Obaidat received his PhD in industrial engineering form the Uinversity of Arkansas, as well as his Msc. and Bsc. degrees in industrial engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology.

His current research interests include FDM 3D-printing optimization and the use of multicriteria decision-making in manufacturing applications. Other interests include systems' reliability and maintenance, as well as and process improvement for industrial systems.

Dr. Obaidat's reserach has been published in reputable journals like the international journal of production research, IISE transactions, rapid prototyping, journal of manufacturing technology management, and journal of constructional steel research.


Teaching interests:

- Facilities planning and logistics.

- Operation research and optimization.

- Engineering economy and econometrics.

- Reliability and maintenance.

- Operation management.
