About Me

       Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry   Iowa State University/Ames, USA, 1984.

​​Theses Title: Free-Radial Chain Reactions  of Organic Mercury and tin Compounds

       M. Sc. in Chemistry, University of Jordan, 1979.

​Theses Title: Synthesis and Spectral Properties of Quinoxaline Amino Ester Mono-N-Oxides  

       B. Sc. in Chemistry, University of Jordan. 1976.

Academic & Administrative  Experience
  • Jerash private university board of trustees (vice president): Nov 8th, 2009 – Present.
  • Al –Al Bayt University, Jordan
Dean of Academic Research, Sept 13th, 2010 - Sept 10th, 2011.
​​Dean of Faculty of Science, Sept 1st, 2008 - Sept.12th, 2010.
  • ​​Yarmouk University,  Jordan
Dean of Faculty of Science, Nov 2nd, 2004 - Aug 31st, 2008.
Vice Dean / Faculty of Scientific Research Graduate Studies, Sept 29th- Nov 1st 2004.
Chairman of Chemistry Dept. Sept 19th 2003 - Sept 28th 2004.
  • Hashimite University, Jordan. Professor and chairman of Chemistry Department (Sept 1st, 1997- Sept 1st, 1998.    
  • Visiting Professor, Essen University, Germany,  (Jan 1st, 1991 - Feb 1st, 1992).
  • Professor , Chemistry Department (Oct 10th, 1993 - Present).
  • Associate Professor, Chemistry Department (Feb 2nd, 1989 - Oct 9th, 1993).
  • Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department (Feb 9th, 1984 - Feb 1st, 1989).
  • Research and Teaching assistant 1978-1980.

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