About Me

Welcome to Dr. Derar Omari's Faculty Website

Associate Professor of Industrial Pharmacy

About Me:

I am Dr. Derar Omari, an Associate Professor specializing in Industrial Pharmacy. My teaching philosophy is based on four key principles:

  1. Help students to develop critical thinking skills 
  2. Promote unbiased, inclusive and collaborative environment 
  3. Motivate student to further develop their skills and knowledge to challenge existing concepts and 
  4. To be a real example for my students in both academic and normal life subjects and motivate them understand and apply such concepts. 

I am interested in teaching cross-disciplinary courses on drug delivery and pharmaceutics and applying novel teaching and learning methods to deliver course content.


Academic Excellence:

- Ph.D. in Industrial Pharmacy

- Dedicated educator with a wide range of teaching experience

- Active participation in university committees


Research Focus:

My research interests include drug delivery systems, film coating technology, excipient interactions, and pediatric formulations. I've contributed to numerous publications and ongoing projects in pharmaceutical science.


Professional Experience:

I bring a wealth of experience from academia, industry, and community pharmacy practice.


Engagement Beyond Academia:

I actively participate in conferences and industry events, maintaining a strong presence in the pharmaceutical community.


Explore My Work:

This website showcases my research, publications, presentations, and more. Feel free to browse for insights into my contributions to pharmaceutical science.


Contact Me:

I welcome collaborations and inquiries from fellow researchers, students, and industry professionals. Please reach out if you have questions or opportunities to discuss.


Thank you for visiting my faculty website; I look forward to connecting with you.