Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Amman : prospettive di risanamento delle aree degradate e dei campiProf Corrado Baldi ; Dott. Aldeek Zaid185Politecnico di milano1998
L' evoluzione dell'architettura islamica nell'Egitto : approfondimentoProf. Corrado baldi, Dr. Zaid aldeek111Politecnico di Milano1997/98
Indagini critiche e analitiche sullo sviluppo della citta' di AmmanProf. Corrado Baldi, Dr Zaid Aldeek162Politecnico Di Milano1998/99
Metodi di costruzione nel settore edilizio giordanoProf. Corrado Baldi , Dr. Zaid Aldeek320Politecnico Di Milano1996/97
"Green Architecture and Sustainability in the Complex Transformation of the Built Urban Environment in Jordan",Zaid A O AldeeklnternationalJournal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics--------05/11/2019
Technology and Construction Techniques Development in Jordanian Building SectorZaid A.O. AldeekRESEARCH JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY13Maxwell2016
The Design Elements and Building Techniques at the Traditional Jordanian DwellingsAHLAM MOHAMMAD JAMAL ESHRUQ LABIN & ZAID A. O. ALDEEKInternational Review of Engineering and Computer Sciences2----2017
Towards Efficient Green Architecture and Sustainable Facades Using Novel Brick DesignZaid A.O. AldeekInternational Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics15IIETA International Information and Engineering Technology Association30/04/2020
Towards a Modern Design of Undeveloped City Using a Spatial Modelling Analysis; a Case Study of Irbid City in Jordan--------15----2020-06-25 00:00:00
Towards Efficient Green Architecture and Sustainable Facades Using Novel Brick Design--------15----2020-04-30 00:00:00
Could Buildings Finishing Materials Contribute on Limiting Diffusion of Infections Transmitted by Users during their Activities in High-Used Infrastructures--------29----2020-06-30 00:00:00
Adaption and Satisfaction Level of Housing Environments During Coronavirus Curfew in JordanMuna M. Alibrahim, Zaid A.O. AldeekInternational Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning17Iieta International Information and Engineering Technology Association30-08-22
Toward sustainable landscape irrigation using a novel design for water collection systems that use atmospheric moisture condensationzaid aldeekToward sustainable landscape irrigation using a novel design for water collection systems that use atmospheric moisture condensationVolume 14IWA publishing2023