Amman : prospettive di risanamento delle aree degradate e dei campi | Prof Corrado Baldi ; Dott. Aldeek Zaid | | 185 | Politecnico di milano | 1998 |
L' evoluzione dell'architettura islamica nell'Egitto : approfondimento | Prof. Corrado baldi, Dr. Zaid aldeek | | 111 | Politecnico di Milano | 1997/98 |
Indagini critiche e analitiche sullo sviluppo della citta' di Amman | Prof. Corrado Baldi, Dr Zaid Aldeek | | 162 | Politecnico Di Milano | 1998/99 |
Metodi di costruzione nel settore edilizio giordano | Prof. Corrado Baldi , Dr. Zaid Aldeek | | 320 | Politecnico Di Milano | 1996/97 |
"Green Architecture and Sustainability in the Complex Transformation of the Built Urban Environment in Jordan", | Zaid A O Aldeek | lnternationalJournal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics | ---- | ---- | 05/11/2019 |
Technology and Construction Techniques Development in Jordanian Building Sector | Zaid A.O. Aldeek | RESEARCH JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY | 13 | Maxwell | 2016 |
The Design Elements and Building Techniques at the Traditional Jordanian Dwellings | AHLAM MOHAMMAD JAMAL ESHRUQ LABIN & ZAID A. O. ALDEEK | International Review of Engineering and Computer Sciences | 2 | ---- | 2017 |
Towards Efficient Green Architecture and Sustainable Facades Using Novel Brick Design | Zaid A.O. Aldeek | International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics | 15 | IIETA International Information and Engineering Technology Association | 30/04/2020 |
Towards a Modern Design of Undeveloped City Using a Spatial Modelling Analysis; a Case Study of Irbid City in Jordan | ---- | ---- | 15 | ---- | 2020-06-25 00:00:00 |
Towards Efficient Green Architecture and Sustainable Facades Using Novel Brick Design | ---- | ---- | 15 | ---- | 2020-04-30 00:00:00 |
Could Buildings Finishing Materials Contribute on Limiting Diffusion of Infections Transmitted by Users during their Activities in High-Used Infrastructures | ---- | ---- | 29 | ---- | 2020-06-30 00:00:00 |
Adaption and Satisfaction Level of Housing Environments During Coronavirus Curfew in Jordan | Muna M. Alibrahim, Zaid A.O. Aldeek | International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning | 17 | Iieta International Information and Engineering Technology Association | 30-08-22 |
Toward sustainable landscape irrigation using a novel design for water collection systems that use atmospheric moisture condensation | zaid aldeek | Toward sustainable landscape irrigation using a novel design for water collection systems that use atmospheric moisture condensation | Volume 14 | IWA publishing | 2023 |