Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Histological and Ultrastructral Analyes of male Mice Exposed to Mobile Phone radiationKhalil A., Al-dhammi M., Al-shara B, Gagga M., Rawashdeh A. and Alshamali AJournal of Toxicolgy Review2012
8-Oxo-7, 8-dihydro- 20deoxyguanosine as a biomarker of DNA damage by mobile phone radiationKhalil A, Gagaa M and Alshamali AInternational Journal of Human and Experimental Toxicology2012
Detection of oxidative stress induced by mobile phone radiation in tissues of mice using 8-hydroxy-Khalil A, Alshamali A. and Gagaa M.Journal of World Acadamy of Science, Engineering and Technology,2011
No significant Cytogenetic Effects in Cultured Human Lymphocytes Exposed to Cell Phones RadiofrequeKhalil A. and Alshamali AJordan Journal of Biological Sciences2010
ECG Compression Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Particle Swarm OptimizationAlshamali A. and Al-Ageel MJournal of Medical Engineering and techology2011
Wavelt Based ECG Compression with Adaptive Thresholding and Effeicent CodingAlshamali A.Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology2010
Investigation of the effect of Obliquely Incident Plane Wave on a Human Head at 900 MHz and 1800 MHzOmar A., Bashayreh Q. and Alshamali A.International Journal of RF and Micowvae-Aided Engineering2010
Performane of Spatial Modulation in Correlated and Un-Correlated Nakagami Fading ChannelAlshamali A. and B. QuzaJournal of Communication2009
Statistical properties of the delay spread in a two path Mobile Radio with Nakagmi fading channelAlshamali, A. and Al-Oqleh, MAEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications2005
Fitting ARMA models to linear non-gaussian processes using higher order statisticsAl-Smadi, A. and AlshamaliSignal Processing2002
Delay spread statistics in simulcast transmission systemAlshamali, A. and Al-Oqleh, MIEE Electronic Letters2002
Comments on an efficient coding algorithm for the compression of ECG signals using the wavelet transAlshamali A. and Al-Fahoum, A.IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering2003
Combined coding and wavelet transform for ECG compressionAlshamali, A. and Al-Smadi, AJournal of Medical Engineering & Technology2001
Performance Analysis of Spatial Modulation over Weibull Fading ChannelsAlshamali A. and Aloqlah M.Wseas Transaction in communication2013
Review and redesign of the curriculum of a Masters programme in telecommunications engineering – TowKhaled Gharaibeh a , Bassam Harb a , Haythem Bany Salameh a , Asem Zoubi a , Ahmed Shamali a , NoelEuropean Journal of Engineering Education2013
Energy-Efficient Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks Using Adaptive Modulation:Performance AnalysisAmjad Abu-Baker, Ahmad Mahmoud Alshamali, Yanal ShawaheenIEEE Access9IEEE Access2021-10-08
Joint Channel Assignment and Adaptive Mode Selection in MIMO-Based Cognitive Radio NetworksHaythem Bany Salameh, Shefaa Shraideh, Ahmad Mahmoud AlshamaliArabian Journal for Science and Engineering----Springer25 May 2020
Study of Delay Spread for Simulcast Radio Transmission in Time-Dispersive Mobile Radio NetworksMohammed Aloqlah, Ahmad Mahmoud Alshamali, Tamara Bani SalmanWireless Personal Communications----Springer17/4/2018
A power-control interference management mechanism for Femtocell-based networksHaythem Bany Salameh, Rawan Shabbar, Ahmad Mahmoud AlshamaliInternational Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking----InderscienceJan 2016
Development of Accurate Expressions for the Estimation of Delay Spread in Simulcast Networks Under Weibull FadingMohammed Aloqlah, Ahmad Mahmoud Alshamali, Tamara Bani Salman2016 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC)--------Feb 2016
GSM Based Remote Ionized Radiation Monitoring SystemAhmad Mahmoud AlshamaliAdvances in Electronics and Micro-electronics, 2008. ENICS '08. International Conference on----IEEE XploreNov 2008