Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Grade fixing mapsM. Refai and R. Abu-DawwasInternational Journal of Algebra4 (19), 939-9442010
More on Crossed product over the support of graded ringsR. Abu-DawwasInternational Mathematical Forum5 (63), 3121-31262010
Further results on graded prime submodulesR. Abu-Dawwas and M. RefaiInternational Journal of Algebra4 (28), 1413-14192010
Some remarks on graded weak multiplication modulesR. Abu-Dawwas and M. RefaiInternational Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences6 (14), 681-6862011
Some remarks on R_(e) – multiplication modules over first strongly graded ringsR. Abu-Dawwas and M. RefaiEast-West Journal of Mathematics13 (1), 57-612011
Comultiplication modules over strongly graded ringsR. Abu-Dawwas and M. AliInternational Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics81 (5), 693-6992012
Prime submodules of graded modulesR. Abu-Dawwas, K. Al-Zoubi and M. BatainehProyecciones Journal of Mathematics31 (4), 355-3612012
On graded 2-absorbing and weakly graded 2-absorbing submodulesK. Al-Zoubi and R. Abu-DawwasJournal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications28, 45-602014
On graded quasi-prime idealsK. Al-Zoubi and R. Abu-DawwasInternational Journal of Mathematical Analysis18 (27), 1305-13112014
Graded submodules with pseudo irreducible, pseudo prime and strictly non-prime componentsR. Abu-Dawwas and K. Al-Zoubi International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics97 (1), 31-352014
On graded classical prime and graded prime submodulesK. Al-Zoubi and R. Abu-DawwasBulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society41 (1), 205-20132015
On graded quasi-prime submodulesK. Al-Zoubi and R. Abu-DawwasKyungpook Mathematical Journal55, 259-2662015
Graded weakly semiprime ideals and that are not graded semiprimeR. Abu-Dawwas and M. BatainehGlobal Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics11 (6), 4527-45322015
Multiplication components of graded modulesR. Abu-DawwasItalian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics35, 389-3922015
On almost strongly prime submodulesM. Bataineh, R. Abu-Dawwas and K. BadarnehGlobal Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics12 (4), 3357-33662016
Graded semiprime and graded weakly semiprime idealsR. Abu-DawwasItalian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics36, 535-5422016
On almost 2-absorbing submodulesM. Yasein and R. Abu-DawwasItalian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics36, 923-9282016
Graded semiprime submodules and graded semi-radical of graded submodules in graded modules,K. Al-Zoubi, R. Abu-Dawwas and I Al-Ayyoub,Ricerche di Matematica,DOI 10.1007/s11587-016-0312-x.2017
Graded almost 2-absorbing structures.M. Bataineh and R. Abu-Dawwas,JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications39 (1) (2017), 63-75.2017
On graded semi-prime ringsR. Abu-DawwasProceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Societyto appear2017
On graded weakly classical prime submodulesR. Abu-Dawwas and K. Al-ZoubiIranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics12----2017
Graded 2-Absorbing Submodules over Non-Commutative Rings--------19WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS 2020-04-28 00:00:00
ON GENERALIZATIONS OF GRADED SECOND SUBMODULES------------Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics2020-04-18 00:00:00
Graded Generalized 2-Absorbing Submodules----------------2020-10-28 00:00:00
On Graded s-Prime Submodules--------6 AIMS Mathematics2020-12-23 00:00:00
On Dual Zariski Topology over Graded Comultiplication Modules--------36Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society2021-01-01 00:00:00
Graded I-Second Submodules--------54Demonstratio Mathematica2021-02-17 00:00:00
On graded 1-absorbing prime ideals ------------Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences2021-02-24 00:00:00
ON GRADED 2-PRIME IDEALS--------9Mathematics2021-02-28 00:00:00
Intersection Graphs of graded ideals of graded rings--------6AIMS Mathematics2021-07-16 00:00:00
Graded phi-2-absorbing and Graded phi-2-absorbing primary submodules--------2021MATHEMATICS2021-05-11 00:00:00
Characterizations of graded rings over which every graded semi-primary ideal is graded 1-absorbing primaryAlaa Melhem, Malik Bataineh and Rashid Abu-DawwasWSEAS Transactions on Mathematics--------10/2021
On Graded 2-Absorbing Coprimary SubmodulesMalik Bataineh and Rashid Abu-DawwasMissouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences--------10/2021
Zariski Topologies on Graded Ideals--------78Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications2021-05-01 00:00:00
On Graded 1-Absorbing Prime SubmodulesAhmad Ka'abneh and Rashid Abu-DawwasJournal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography--------2022
Semi-Commutativity of Graded Rings and Graded ModulesMalik Bataineh, Mashhoor Refai, Rashid Abu-Dawwas and Khaldoun Al-ZzoubiProyecciones--------2022
Graded Weakly 2-Absorbing Ideals over Non-Commutative Graded RingsA.S. Alshehry, J.M. Habeb, R. Abu-Dawwas and A. AlrawabdehSymmetry--------July, 2022
Graded weakly 1-absorbing prime idealsU. Tekir, S. Koc, R. Abu-Dawwas and E. YildizCUBO, A Mathematical Journal--------2022
Generalizations of graded S-primary idealsT. Alshorman, M. Bataineh and R. Abu-DawwasProyecciones Journal of Mathematics--------2022
On Properties of Graded Rings and Graded ModulesM. Refai and R. Abu-DawwasProyecciones Journal of Mathematics--------2022
Graded Almost Prime Ideals over Non-Commutative Graded RingsJenan Shtayat, Rashid Abu-Dawwas, and Ghadeer Bani IssaPalestine Journal of Mathematics--------2023
Graded weakly 1-absorbing primary idealsMalik Bataineh and Rashid Abu-DawwasDemonstratio Mathematica--------2023
Some Notes On Graded Weakly 1-Absorbing Primary IdealsAzzh Saad Alshehry, Rashid Abu-Dawwas and Majd Al-RashdanDemonstratio Mathematica--------2023
On Properties of Graded Rings With Respect to Group HomomorphismsAzzh Saad Alshehry, Rashid Abu-Dawwas and Muhsen Al-BashayrehInternational Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences--------2023
Graded Almost Prime Ideals over Non-Commutative Graded RingsJenan Shtayat, Rashid Abu-Dawwas and Ghadeer Bani IssaPalestine Journal of Mathematics12----10/10/2023
On Rings with Involution and Inner RingsAzzh Saad Alshehry, AL Hassan AL-Jarrah, Rashid Abu-Dawwas, and Ala’a AL-KateebResults in Nonlinear Analysis7Erdal Karapinar2024
EM− Graded RingsTariq Alraqad, Hicham Saber and Rashid Abu-DawwasJournal of Mathematics--------16-11-2024
On graded 1-absorbing δ-primary idealsR. Abu-Dawwas, A. Assarrar, J. Habeb and N. MahdouProyecciones Journal of Mathematics43----2-5-2024
Graded 2r-IdealsAlaa Melhem, Rashid Abu-Dawwas and Diala AlghazoResults in Nonlinear Analysis--------18-11-2024
Graded Classical Weakly Prime Submodules Over Non-Commutative Graded RingsJ. M. Habeb and R. Abu-DawwasTatra Mountains Mathematical Publications--------27/11/2024
The Norm Function for Commutative Z2 -Graded RingsA. S. Alshehry and R. Abu-DawwasAxioms--------18-12-2024