Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
The Extent of Superstitious Thinking among Classroom Teacher Students at Jerash Private UniversityTashtoush, Rami AL-MANARAH for Research and Studies -Humanities-17(4).143-173AL-al-Bayt University2011
The Counseling Needs Of Students In The reparatory Year At Qassim University From Their ViewTashtoush, Rami Journal of the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies146(38). 146-319University of Kuwait2012
Psychological Stresses of Psychological and Educational Counselors in the Governorate of Ajloun in JTashtoush, Rami & Mazahre, RanyaJournal of Educational & Psychological Studies (JEPS)4(2), 19-51Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) 2010
Students Attitudes of Arabic Language and Social sciences Faculty at Qassim University towards the HTashtoush, Rami & Khazahleh, Ahmad Gulf University Journal2(3), 405-442Gulf University- Kingdom of Baharain2010
The Degree of Educational Counselors Practicing of Counseling Profession Ethics from their Point of Tashtoush, Rami & Mazahre, RanyaIUG Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies 20(2), 581-623The Islamic Univerist of Gaza2012
Problems of Children At-RiskTashtoush, Rami Journal of the faculty of education, Ain Shams University, Egypt33(1), 493-536Ain Shams University, Egypt2009
Attitudes of Special Education Specialization Students at Al Qassim University toward Their Major ofKhazahleh, Ahmad & Tashtoush, Rami(122), 101-135Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States2011
The Effectiveness of Career Counseling Services and Career Future Anxiety and their Relationship amoAl-Shraifin, ahmad; Bani Mustafa, Manar & Tashtoush, RamiJournal of Educational & Psychological Studies (JEPS)8(3), 474-490Sultan Qaboos University (SQU)2014
Burnout and the Level of Job Satisfaction and their Relationship among Resource Rooms Teachers in JoTashtoush, Rami; Jarwan, Ali; Muhaidat, Mohammad & Bni-Atta, ZaidAn-Najah University Journal for Research – Humanities27(8), 1727-1762An-Najah University 2013
Relationship between Stressful life events and Feeling of Satisfaction in Life among Yarmouk UniversBani Mustafa, Manar; Al-Shraifin, ahmad & Tashtoush, RamiJournal of Al-Quds Open University For Research and Studies34(2), 205-250Al-Quds Open University2014
Causes of Violence among the Students of Jordan University of Science and Technology in the Light ofMomani, Fawwaz; Hatamleh, Lana & Tashtoush, Rami Journal of Al-Quds Open University For Research and Studies33(1), 11-46Al-Quds Open University2014
The Role Realization and Its Relationship to Personal Responsibility among the Trainee Counselors--------8Universal Journal of Educational Research2020-11-24 00:00:00
The Provided Counselling Services for Students with Disabilities in the Jordanian UniversitiesAhmad Khazaleha, Hanada Abzakhb, Mo’en Alnasraween, Rami Tashtoush, Mohannad Alshboule, Rami Al-Shogran , Nusaiba AlmousaInternational Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change14----2020
The Provided Counselling Services for Students with Disabilities in the Jordanian Universities--------14----2020-12-25 00:00:00
النفاق الأخلاقي وعلاقته بالشعور بالنقص لدى طلبة الدراسات العليا في جامعة اليرموك.الدواغرة، زين وطشطوش، راميالمجلة الدولية للدراسات التربوية والنفسية--------2024
صورة الجسد وعلاقتها بأعراض الشراء القهري لدى الإناثعلي، سجود وطشطوش، راميدراسات معاصرة في العلوم الاجتماعية--------2024
تقييم الآثار النفسيّة والاجتماعية النّاتجة عن أزمة اللجوء لدى أفراد المجتمعات المستضيفة للاجئين: دراسة مسحية للمجتمع الأردنيالحموري، محمد وبني خالد، احمد وطشطوش، راميمجلة الدراسات التربوية والنفسية، جامعة السلطان قابوس--------2024