A Rate-maximizing Spectrum Sharing Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks with Generic Resource Constraints | Rami Halloush, Mohammed Halloush, Islam Almalkawi, Ahmed Musa, Haythem Bany Salameh | Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies | ---- | ---- | 2019 |
Modeling and performance evaluation of jamming-tolerant wireless systems | Rami Halloush and Hang Liu | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing | ---- | Springer | 2018 |
Overhearing-aware modified Dijkstra's algorithm for multicasting over multi-hop wireless networks | Ram Halloush | International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems | 16 | Inderscience | 2016 |
Spectrum Management with Simultaneous Power-controlled Assignment Decisions in Cognitive Radio Networks | Ahmed Musa, Haythem Bany Salameh, Nusseibeh abu sannad, Rami Halloush, and Khalid Darabkh | Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience | ---- | ---- | 2019 |
Transmission Early-stopping Scheme for Anti-jamming over Delay-sensitive IoT Applications | Rami D Halloush | IEEE Internet of Things Journal | ---- | ---- | 14-4-2019 |
Availability-aware Channel Allocation for Multi-cell Cognitive Radio 5G Networks | Rami Halloush, Rana Salaimeh, Roa’a Al-Dalqamoni | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | ---- | ---- | 28-01-2022 |
A Formula for the Probability of Successful Packet Transmission in Cognitive Radio Networks | Rami Halloush, Haythem Bany Salameh | IEEE Systems Journal | ---- | ---- | 03-01-2022 |
Highly-reliable Transmission and Channel Assignment for CR-IoT Networks | Rami Halloush, Haythem Bany Salameh, Ahmed Musa, Mohammed Halloush, Marwa Abu Shunnar | IEEE Internet of Things Journal | ---- | ---- | 24-07-2021 |
Blocking Rate Analysis in Heterogeneous Multi-cell Cognitive-radio 5G Networks | Halloush. R, Al-Taha, A. Bany Salameh, H. Musa | IEEE Systems Journal | ---- | IEEE | 2022 |
Effective peer-to-peer routing in heterogeneous half-duplex and full-duplex multi-hop cognitive radio networks | Salameh, H.A., Mahasneh, S., Musa, A., Halloush, R., Jararweh, Y. | Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications | ---- | Springer | 2021 |
A lightweight and efficient digital image encryption using hybrid chaotic systems for wireless network applications | Islam T. Almalkawi, I., Halloush, R., Alsarhan, A., Al-Dubai, A., and Al-karaki, J. | Journal of Information Security and Applications | ---- | Elsevier | 2019 |
Hop-by-hop content distribution with network coding in multihop wireless networks | Halloush, R., Liu, H., Dong, L., Wu, M., Radha, H | Digital Communications and Networks | ---- | Elsevier | 2017 |
Joint opportunistic MIMO-mode selection and channel–user assignment for improved throughput in beyond 5G networks | Haythem Bany Salameh, Aseel Alkana’neh, Rami Halloush, Ahmed Musa, Yaser Jararweh | Ad Hoc Networks | ---- | Elsevier | 2023 |
Dual-Mode Path Selection for In-Band Full-Duplex Multi-Hop CR-IoT Networks | 5. Halloush, R., Musa, A., B. Salameh, H., Samara, M., Hayajneh, M | IEEE Sensors Journal | ---- | IEEE | 2023 |
A Jamming-resilient Opportunistic QoS-constrained Multi-channel Routing for Green IoT Networking | 4. Halloush, R., B. Salameh, H., Al-Tamimi, M., Musa, A. | Wireless Networks | ---- | Springer | 2023 |
Dual-Mode Path Selection for In-Band Full-Duplex Multi-Hop CR-IoT Networks | • Halloush, R., Musa, A., B. Salameh, H., Samara, M., Hayajneh, M. | IEEE Sensors | ---- | ---- | 2023 |