Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Provenance for Business EventsRafat Hammad and Ching-Seh WuInternational Journal of Big Data Intelligence (IJBDI)Vol. 1, No. 4, pp.205–2142014
Querying and Indexing XML DocumentsGongzhu Hu and Rafat HammadJournal of Computational Methods in Science and EngineeringVol. 5, No. 1, pp 219-233IOS Press2005
A Semantic-Based Approach for Managing Healthcare Big Data: A SurveyRafat Hammad, Malek Barhoush, and Bilal H. Abed-alguniJournal of Healthcare Engineering----Hindawi2020
A Modular Cloud-based Ontology Framework for Context-aware EHR ServicesAnas AlSobeh, Rafat Hammad, Abdel-Karim Al-TamimiInternational Journal of Computer Applications in Technology60Inderscience2019
An adaptive warning message scheme for emergency vehicles using vehicular ad hoc communicationMustafa Banikhalaf, Rafat Hammad, Ahmed Al-Dubai, Baraq GhalebInternational Journal of Engineering and Technology7Science Publishing2018
Exploratory cuckoo search for solving single-objective optimization problemsAbed-alguni, Bilal H., Noor Aldeen Alawad, Malek Barhoush, and Rafat HammadSoft Computing----Springer Nature2021
DES22: DES-Based Algorithm with Improved SecurityMalek M Barhoush, Bilal H Abed-Alguni, Rafat Hammad, Mohammad Al-Fawa'reh, Rana N HassanJordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT)8Princess Sumaya University for Technology2022
Improved Salp swarm algorithm for solving single-objective continuous optimization problemsBilal H Abed-Alguni, David Paul, Rafat HammadApplied Intelligence----Springer US2022