Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
On Khovanov Homology of Quasi-Alternating LinksQazaqzeh, Khaled and Chbili, NafaaMediterranean Journal of Mathematics19Springer2022
The character variety of a class of rational linksQazaqzeh, KhaledTurkish Journal of Mathematics36----2012
A new obstruction of quasialternating linksQazaqzeh, Khaled and Chbili, NafaaAlgebraic and Geometric Topology15Mathematical Sciences Publishers2015
Characterization of quasi-alternating Montesinos linksQazaqzeh, Khaled and Chbili, Nafaa and Qublan, BalkeesJournal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications24World Scientific2015
A remark on the determinant of quasi-alternating linksQazaqzeh, Khaled and Qublan, Balkees and Jaradat, AbeerJournal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications22World Scientific2013
The Khovanov homology of a family of three-column pretzel linksQazaqzeh, KhaledCommunications in Contemporary Mathematics13World Scientific2011
On the Jones polynomial of quasi-alternating linksChbili, Nafaa and Qazaqzeh, KhaledTopology and its Applications264Elsevier2019
Further Study of Kanenobu KnotsQazaqzeh, Khaled and Mansour, IsraKobe Journal of Mathematics33Kobe University2016
The parity of the Maslov index and the even cobordism categoryGilmer, Patrick M and Qazaqzeh, KhaledFundam. Math188Mathematics Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences.2005
The Jones polynomial of rational linksQazaqzeh, Khaled and Yasein, Moh'd and Abu-Qamar, MajdoleenKodai Mathematical Journal39Department of Mathematics, Tokyo Institute of Technology2016
The character variety of a family of one-relator groupsQazaqzeh, KhaledInternational Journal of Mathematics23World Scientific2012
The signature of rational links.Qazaqzeh, Khaled and Al-Darabsah, Isam and Quraan, AishehNew York Journal of Mathematics20----2014
Integral lattices of the SU (2)-TQFT-modulesQazaqzeh, KhaledKobe J. Math30Kobe University2013
The Kauffman Polynomial of Periodic LinksQazaqzeh, Khaled and Aboufattoum, Ayman and Istvan, KyleBull. Korean Math.55Korean Mathematical Society2018
Periodic 3-manifolds and modular categoriesQazaqzeh, KhaledJournal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications17World Scientific2008
Quantum invariants and free Z_p2-actions on 3-manifoldsGilmer, Patrick M and Qazaqzeh, KhaledActa Math. Viet.33Springer2008
The Ip Quantum Invariant of Periodic 3-ManifoldsQazaqzeh, KhaledJordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (JJMS)2----2009
Jones Polynomial versus Determinant of Quasi-Alternating LinksKhaled QazaqzehAccepted for publication at Front. Math. China--------2024
On the Jones Polynomial of Quasi-Alternating Links, IIK. Qazaqzeh, A. Al-Rhayyel and N. ChbiliOsaka J. Math.--------Accepted
Twisting Some Classes of LinksK. Qazaqzeh and A. Al-RhayyelKyungpook Math. J--------Accepted