Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Family-School Partnership for Enhancing Pupils Learning; A Proposed Model
Teaching Philosophy
Elementary Teachers Attitudes towards the Implications of Idealism as an Educational Philosophy in J
Effective Learning Environments for Young Children with Learning Disabilities in Jordan
Parental Roles in Enhancing their Children
Polygamy and its Impact on the Upbringing of Children
Duties of Vice Principals from the Perspectives of Teachers in Jordan
Educational Institutions Degree of Achieving Growth Requirements for Preschool Children in Irbid Edu
The Implications of Naturalism as an Educational Philosophy in Jordan from the Perspectives of Child
Pragmatism Abs.
The Role of School in Fostering Leadership Skills in Students
اتجاهات الطلبة نحو شبكة الإنترنت ومتطلبات استخدامها وإسهاماتها في سلوكياتهم
Implementing pragmatism and John Dewey’s educational philosophy in Emirati elementary schools: case of mathematics and science teachersAdeeb M. Jarrah Omar M. Khasawneh Yousef WardatInternational Journal of Education Economics and Development Inderscience11The Online Platform for Inderscience Publishers Journal Content(2020)
واقع اإلعالم التربوي في المدارس الثانوية بإمارة أبوظبيعمر خصاونة رفيعة العامريالمجلة الدولية للبحوث التربوية42جامعة االمارات العربية المتحدة2018
Educational Philosophical Thought and Implication of Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali An Islamic Teacher Education PerspectiveOMAR M. KHASAWNEH, IMAD IBRAHEEM MOSTAFA, AND HANADI G. RAWAGAHThe International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society12Common Ground Research Networks, 23-2-2022
Teacher Education from an Islamic PerspectiveOMAR M. KHASAWNEH AND ABDEL RAHMAN MITIB ALTAKHAINEHReligion and Spirituality in Society10Common Ground Research Networks6/5/2020