A coupled-mode theory analysis of intermixing in semiconductor distributed Bragg reflectors. | O M Khreis & Ammar Elhassan | Journal of Optical and Quantum Electronics | V45, 937-946 | Springer | 2013 |
Modelling interdiffusion in semiconductor distributed Bragg reflectors; An analytical approach | O M Khreis | Journal of Superlattices and Microstructures | (52): 913-920 | Elsevier | 2012 |
Accurate and direct determination of interdiffusion parameters, a genetic algorithm approach. | Khreis O M and Al-Kofahi I S | J. Semiconductor Science and Technology | (20): 320-325 | IOP | 2005 |
A genetic algorithm analysis of photoluminescence experimental data from interdiffused quantum wells | Khreis O M and Al-Kofahi I S | J. Superlattices and Microstructures | (37): 193-201 | Elsevier | 2005 |
Interdiffusion and the strain effect in pseudomorphic quantum well heterostructures. | O M Khreis | J. Solid State Communications | 132 (11): 767-771 | Elsevier | 2004 |
980 nm electroluminescence from Ytterbium tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline). | Khreis O M, Gillin W P, Somerton M and Curry R J | J. Organic Electronics | (2): 45-51 | Elsevier | 2001 |
Infra-red organic light emitting diodes using Neodymium tris-(8- hydroxyquinoline | Khreis O M, Curry R J, Somerton M and Gillin W P | J. Appl. Phys. | (88): 777-780 | American Institute of Physics (AOP) | 2000 |
Interdiffusion in InGaAs/GaAs: The effect of growth conditions | Khreis O M, Homewood K P and Gillin W P | J. Appl. Phys. | (84): 232-236 | American Institute of Physics (AOP) | 1998 |
Contact-less electro-reflectance study of interdiffusion in heat-treated GaAsSb/GaAs single quantum | Ghosh Sandip, Arora B M, Homewood K P, Gillin W P, Khreis O M and Singer K E ( | J. Phys.: Condense Matter. | (10): 9865-9874 | IOP | 1998 |
Interdiffusion, A probe for vacancy diffusion in III-V materials. | Khreis O M, Gillin W P and Homewood K P | Phys. Rev. B | (55) 15813-15818 | American Institute of Physics (AOP) | 1997 |
Characteristics of Polyimide-planarized Oxide-confined Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Laser (VCSEL | A. N. Al-Omari, A. M. K. Dagamseh, O. M. Khreis, A. Ababneh, and K. L. Lear | Lasers in Engineering | Accepted and production is In Press | Old City Publishing | 2016 |
Modeling and analysis of smoothly diffused vertical cavity surface emitting lasers | O. M. Khreis | J. Computational Condense Matter | Accepted and production is In Press | Elsvier | 2016 |
Optical properties of intermixed vertical cavity surface emitting lasers: a theoretical model | O. M. Khreis & A. N. Al-Omari | J. Optical and Quantum Electronics | Accepted and production is In Press | Springer | 2016 |
Intermixing in GaAsSb/GaAs single quantum wells | O. M. Khreis, K. P. Homewood, W. P. Gillin and K. E. Singer | J. Applied. Physics | 84: 4017-4019 | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1998 |