Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
A coupled-mode theory analysis of intermixing in semiconductor distributed Bragg reflectors.O M Khreis & Ammar ElhassanJournal of Optical and Quantum ElectronicsV45, 937-946Springer2013
Modelling interdiffusion in semiconductor distributed Bragg reflectors; An analytical approachO M KhreisJournal of Superlattices and Microstructures(52): 913-920Elsevier2012
Accurate and direct determination of interdiffusion parameters, a genetic algorithm approach.Khreis O M and Al-Kofahi I SJ. Semiconductor Science and Technology(20): 320-325IOP2005
A genetic algorithm analysis of photoluminescence experimental data from interdiffused quantum wellsKhreis O M and Al-Kofahi I SJ. Superlattices and Microstructures(37): 193-201Elsevier2005
Interdiffusion and the strain effect in pseudomorphic quantum well heterostructures.O M KhreisJ. Solid State Communications132 (11): 767-771Elsevier2004
980 nm electroluminescence from Ytterbium tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline).Khreis O M, Gillin W P, Somerton M and Curry R JJ. Organic Electronics(2): 45-51Elsevier2001
Infra-red organic light emitting diodes using Neodymium tris-(8- hydroxyquinolineKhreis O M, Curry R J, Somerton M and Gillin W PJ. Appl. Phys. (88): 777-780American Institute of Physics (AOP)2000
Interdiffusion in InGaAs/GaAs: The effect of growth conditionsKhreis O M, Homewood K P and Gillin W PJ. Appl. Phys. (84): 232-236American Institute of Physics (AOP)1998
Contact-less electro-reflectance study of interdiffusion in heat-treated GaAsSb/GaAs single quantum Ghosh Sandip, Arora B M, Homewood K P, Gillin W P, Khreis O M and Singer K E (J. Phys.: Condense Matter. (10): 9865-9874IOP1998
Interdiffusion, A probe for vacancy diffusion in III-V materials.Khreis O M, Gillin W P and Homewood K PPhys. Rev. B (55) 15813-15818American Institute of Physics (AOP)1997
Characteristics of Polyimide-planarized Oxide-confined Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Laser (VCSEL A. N. Al-Omari, A. M. K. Dagamseh, O. M. Khreis, A. Ababneh, and K. L. LearLasers in EngineeringAccepted and production is In PressOld City Publishing 2016
Modeling and analysis of smoothly diffused vertical cavity surface emitting lasersO. M. KhreisJ. Computational Condense MatterAccepted and production is In PressElsvier2016
Optical properties of intermixed vertical cavity surface emitting lasers: a theoretical modelO. M. Khreis & A. N. Al-OmariJ. Optical and Quantum ElectronicsAccepted and production is In PressSpringer2016
Intermixing in GaAsSb/GaAs single quantum wellsO. M. Khreis, K. P. Homewood, W. P. Gillin and K. E. SingerJ. Applied. Physics84: 4017-4019American Institute of Physics (AIP)1998