The Political Economy of Reform and Development of the Washington Consensus | ALshyab Nooh | Munich Personal RePEc Archive | ---- | ---- | 2013 |
TRADE IN GOODS AND SERVICES AND ITS EFFECT ON ECONOMIC GROWTH –THE CASE OF JORDAN | SANDRI, Serena. ALSHYAB, Nooh and GHAZO, Abdullah* | Applied Econometrics and International Development | ---- | ---- | 2016 |
Differences in the returns to education in Jordan: gender and public-private sector analysis. | Alshyab, N., Sandri, S. and and Abu-Lila, Z. | Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies | ---- | ---- | 2018 |
Causality between human capital, investment, openness, and economic growth: an empirical investigation for Jordan | Ghazo, A., Alshyab, N. and Sandri, S. | International Journal of Economic Perspectives | ---- | ---- | 2017 |
Towards a sustainable energy sector in Jordan. | ---- | ---- | 12 | Sustainability | 2020-12-14 00:00:00 |
). Employment Intensity and Sectoral Output Growth – A Comparative Analysis of Egyptian and Jordanian Economies | ---- | ---- | 1 | New Medit | 2020-04-09 00:00:00 |
Institutional uncertainty and growth expectations of businesses: the case of Jordan | ---- | ---- | 70 | International Social Science Journal | 2020-12-24 00:00:00 |
Orange Economy: definition and measurement – the case of Jordan | Serena Sandri and Nooh Alshyab | International Journal of Cultural Policy | ---- | ---- | 14.04.2022 |
External public debt in Jordan: from crisis to reform | Nooh Alshyab & Serena Sandri | Middle Eastern Studies | 58 | Taylor and Francis | 06/07/2022 |