Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Adaption and Satisfaction Level of Housing Environments During Coronavirus Curfew in JordanMuna M. Alibrahim & Zaid A.O. AldeekInternational Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning--------2022
Requalifying the Irbid Refugee Camp: Towards Integrated Urban Development in JordanZaid A.O. Aldeek, Muna M. Alibrahim, & Saja ZeadehInternational Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning--------2023
Thermal comfort enhancement for office blocks considering employees’ satisfaction without increasing energy consumptionAlibrahimm, M.M., Zeadeh, S.A., AL-Qudah, A.H., Alzoubi, B.TInternational Journal of Heat and Technology--------2024