Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Validating HCS and SIDRA Software for Estimating Delay at Signalized Intersections in JordanAl-Omari, B., and Taamneh, MJordan Jurnal of Civil EngineeringVolume 1, No.42007
Design of Effective Subsurface Drainage for Flexible PavementLiang, R.Y. and Taamneh, M. ASCE, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 199, 2631-26402010
Design of Effective Subsurface Drainage for Flexible PavementLiang, R.Y. and Taamneh, M. ASCE, Geotechnical Special PublicationNo. 199, 2631-26402010
Evaluation of EICM for Subsurface Moisture, Temperature, and Frost Depth in Flexible PavementsTaamneh, M., and Laing, RASCE, Geotechnical Special Publications No. 199, 2641-26502010
Long-Term Field Monitoring of Moisture Variations under Asphalt Pavement with Different Drainable BaTaamneh, M., and Liang, R.Y. ASCE, Geotechnical Special PublicationNo. 154, 142-149 2010
Accelerated Laboratory Polishoing Device for Hot Mix AspahltLiang, R.Y, Khasawneh, M., and Taamneh, M. ASCE, Geotechnical Special PublicationNo. 154, 1-62010
Performance of pyramid-shaped solar still: Experimental studyTaamneh, Y., and Taamneh, MDesalination Journal291, 65-682012
Use of Carbon Waste Material in Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) MixturesZahran, S., Taamneh, M., Waked, S., and Gul, WJournal of King Abdulaziz University 2013
Experimental and Statistical Evaluation of Asphalt Binders Produced in Jordan Treated with Different ModifiersMohammad Ali Khasawneh, Madhar Taamneh, Aslam Ali Al-Omari, Taher Harahsheh, Ahmad Al-HosainatJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering32American Society of Civil Engineers2019/11/20
Evaluation of static creep of FORTA-FI strengthened asphalt mixtures using experimental, statistical and feed-forward back-propagation ANN techniquesMohammad Ali Khasawneh, Madhar Mohammad Taamneh, Omar AlbataynehInternational Journal of Pavement Research and Technology12Springer Singapore2019/1/1
Experimental and Statistical Evaluation of Asphalt Binders Produced in Jordan Treated with Different Modifiers--------32Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering2019-11-20 00:00:00
Evaluation of Static creep of FORTA-FI strengthened asphalt mixtures using experimental, statistical and feed-forward back-propagation ANN techniques --------12----2019-04-18 00:00:00
Front-seat seatbelt compliance in Jordan: an observational study--------Nov20Advances in Transportation Studies2020-11-01 00:00:00
Mechanical properties of styrofoam-modified asphalt bindersKhaled Z. Ramadana, Ghazi G. Al-Khateeb, Madhar M. TaamnehdInternational Journal of Pavement Research and Technology13Springer6/12/2019
The potential use of recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET) plastic waste in asphalt binderMusab Abuaddous, Madhar M Taamneh, Samer R Rabab’ahInternational Journal of Pavement Research and Technology----Springer11/11/2020
The effect of Dead Sea salt solution on the engineering properties of expansive subgrade clayey soilOmar Al Hattamleh, Hussein Aldeeky, Samar Rabab’ah, Madhar TaamnehArabian Journal of Geosciences13Springer26/5/2020
Mechanical properties of styrofoam-modified asphalt binders --------13----2019-12-06 00:00:00
The effect of Dead Sea salt solution on the engineering properties of expansive subgrade clayey soil--------13Arabian Journal of Geosciences / Springer2020-05-26 00:00:00
The potential use of recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET) plastic waste in asphalt binder----------------2020-11-11 00:00:00
Investigating the potential of using dry battery waste powders (DBWPs) as a modifer for asphalt binders----------------2021-02-13 00:00:00
The Effects of Adding Nano Clay and Nano Zinc Oxide on Asphalt Cement Rheology----------------2021-04-01 00:00:00
A machine learning approach for building an adaptive, real-time decision support system for emergency response to road traffic injuries----------------2021-04-05 00:00:00
Effect of Adding Zeolitic Tuff on Geotechnical Properties of Lime-Stabilized Expansive Soil--------25----2021-08-15 00:00:00
Sustainable Asphalt Concrete for Road Construction and Building Material--------801IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science2021-07-05 00:00:00
Effect of Zeolitic Tuff on Strength, Resilient Modulus, and Permanent Strain of Lime-Stabilized Expansive Subgrade SoilHussein M Abdallah, Samer R Rabab’ah, Madhar M Taamneh, Mohammad O Taamneh, Shadi HanandehJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering35ASCE27/2/2023
Rutting and Resilient Modulus Behavior of Asphalt Concrete Modified with Crump Tire Rubber, Microcrystalline Synthetic Wax and Nano SilicaMohammad A. Khasawneh, Aslam A. Al-Omari, Madhar M. Taamneh, Duha F. Al-TheebInternational Review of Civil Engineering12Praise Worthy Prize1/5/2021
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Imbalanced Data Handling Techniques in Predicting Driver Phone UseMadhar M. Taamneh, Salah Taamneh, Ahmad H. Alomari, and Musab AbuaddousSustainability15MDPI6/7/2023
Using Machine Learning to Predict Pedestrian Compliance at Crosswalks in JordanMadhar M. Taamneh, Ahmad H. Alomari, and Salah M. TaamnehApplied Sciences14MDPI6/6/2014
Using Machine Learning to Predict Pedestrian Compliance at Crosswalks in JordanMM Taamneh, AH Alomari, SM TaamnehApplied Sciences--------2024/6/6
Experimental-Correlative Framework to Evaluate Critical State Deformability Parameters and Free Swelling Index of Cohesive Soils Using Gene Expression ProgrammingWassel Al Bodour, Bashar Tarawneh, Yanal Al Mahadin, Madhar TaamnehInternational Review of Civil Engineering (IRECE)--------2023/1