Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Extremal Number of Theta Graph of Order 7Bataineh M., Jaradat M. M., Mustafa Z. and AL-Rhayyel A. A.,Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática39----2020
On the sandpile model of modified wheels IIZahid Raza, Mohammed MM Jaradat, Mohammed S Bataineh, Faiz Ullah,Open mathematics.18----2020
On the zagreb connection indices of hex and honeycomb networks,Bataineh M., Raza Z., Sukaiti M.,Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems--------2020
The comparative analysis of metric and edge metric dimension of some subdivisions of the wheel graphZ Raza, MS BatainehAsian-European Journal of Mathematics14 (04)----2021
Edge metric dimension of k multiwheel graphMohammad S Bataineh, Nida Siddiqui, Zahid RazaRocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics50----2020
A note on the Ramsey number for small graphsT Vetrík, MMM Jaradat, MS BatainehJournal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography,--------2020
Edge-maximal graphs without disjoint odd cyclesMohammed S Bataineh, Mohammed MM Jaradat, Tomas VetrikARS COMBINATORIA143----2019
Edge maximal non-bipartite Hamiltonian graphs without theta graphs of order 7MS Bataineh, AA Al-Rhayyel, Z Mustafa, MMM JaradatItalian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,--------2019
The Ramsey number for two graphs of order 5MS Bataineh, T Vetrík, MMM Jaradat, AMM RabaiahJournal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography21 (7-8), 1523-1528----2018
On the basis number of the wreath product of paths with wheels and some related problems.Mohammed MM Jaradat, Mohammad Saleh Bataineh, MK Al-QeyyamArs Comb.--------2017
A New Structure and Contribution in D-metric SpacesAAA Fora, MO Massa'deh, MS BatainehJournal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science--------2017