Ultrasonic waveguide with square wave surface grating | O. R. Asfar, M. H. Bataineh, and M. A. Hawwa | IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control | Vol. 57, pp. 1797-1803 | IEEE | 2010 |
Multiple scales analysis of chirped Bragg gratings | M. H. Bataineh, and O. R. Asfar | International Journal of Electronics And Communications (AEUe) | Vol. 64, pp. 398-402, | | 2010 |
Band structure of a parallel-plate waveguide filter having phase-shifted square-wave corrugations | O. Asfar, and M. Bataineh | Waves in Random and Complex Media | Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 361-370 | | 2008 |
Synthesis of Aperiodic Linear Phased Antenna Arrays Using Particle Swarm Optimization | M. Bataineh, and J. Ababneh | Journal of Electromagnetics | Vol. 26, No. 7., pp. 531-541 | | 2006 |
Band structure of a parallel-plate waveguide filter having phase-shifted square-wave corrugations | O. Asfar, and M. Bataineh | Waves in Random and Complex Media. | Vol. 18, , | ---- | 2008 |
Investigation of Multi-Band Microwave Filters Using a Corrugated Rectangular Waveguide | 17. Issa W. Al-Hmoud and Mohammed H. Bataineh | JJEE | vol. 4 | ---- | 2018 |
Error Estimate of Asymptotic Expansion in Periodic Waveguides | Issa W. Al-Hmoud, Mohammed H. Bataineh,and Omar R. Asfar | vol 5 | no 3 | ---- | 2019 |
Linear phase FIR filter design using particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithms | J. Ababneh, and M. Bataineh | Journal of Digital Signal Processing | 18 | ELSEVIER | 2008 |
Nonuniform compact Ultra-Wide Band Wilkinson power divider with different unequal split ratios | Sahar Saleh, Widad Ismail, Intan Sorfina Zainal Abidin, Mohd Haizal Jamaluddin, Samir Ahmed Al-Gailani, Asem S. Alzoubi & Mohammed Hussein Bataineh | Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications | 34 | Taylor & Francis Group | 2019 |
Nonuniform compact Ultra-Wide Band Wilkinson
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Compact UWB Vivaldi Tapered Slot Antenna | SaharSalehaWidadIsmailaIntan Sorfina ZainalAbidinaMoh'd HaizalJamaluddinbMohammed H.BatainehcAsem S.Alzoubic | Alexandria Engineering Journal | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aej.2021.09.055 | ELSEVIER | 2021 |
Compact UWB Vivaldi Tapered Slot Antenna | ---- | ---- | ---- | Alexandria Engineering Journal | 2021-10-02 00:00:00 |
Band structure of a parallel-plate waveguide filter having phase-shifted square-wave corrugations | O. R. Asfar, and M. Bataineh | Waves in Random and Complex Media | Vol. 18 | Elsevier | 2008 |
Novel Compact UWB Vivaldi Non-Uniform Slot Antenna with Enhanced Bandwidth | Sahar Saleh, Widad Ismail, Intan Sorfina Zainal Abidin, Mohd Haizal Jamaluddin, Mohammed H Bataineh, Asem S Al-Zoubi | IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation | doi: 10.1109/TAP.2022.3161281 | IEEE | 2022 |
Nonuniform compact Ultra-Wide Band Wilkinson power divider with different unequal split ratios | 2. Sahar Saleh, Widad Ismail, Intan Sorfina Zainal Abidin, Mohd Haizal Jamaluddin, Samir Ahmed Al-Gailani, Asem S Alzoubi, Mohammed Hussein Bataineh | Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications | 9 | ---- | 2019 |
Compact UWB 1: 2: 1 unequal-split 3-way Bagley power divider using non- uniform transmission lines | 4. Sahar Saleh, Widad Ismail, Intan Sorfina Zainal Abidin, Mohd Haizal Jamaluddin, Samir A Al-Gailani, Asem S Alzoubi, Mohammed H Bataineh | ," Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications | 10 | ---- | 2020 |