Effect of creatine monohydrate on time to volitional fatigue during an incremental speed running and | Mohammad Fayiz and Ahmed Salem | Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES) | 14(1), Art 84, pp. 542 - 547 | JPES | 2014 |
Oral contraceptive usage as a treatment of the triad of disordered eating, amenorrhea and osteoporos | Mohammad Fayiz Abumoh'd | MU'TAH Journal | 29(4): 9-30 | MU'TAH University | 2014 |
• تاثير الإحماء على بعض الاستجابات البيوكيميائية والفسيولوجية وزمن تحمل الجري في الضغط الحراري | Mohammad Fayiz Abumoh'd | MU'TAH Journal | 29(3) | MU'TAH University | 2014 |
• أثر الغمر بالماء البارد والكرياتين الباودر على إشارات تلف العضلة وزمن تحمل الأداء البدني | Mohammad Fayiz Abumoh'd and Rakan Haddad | NAJAH | 29 (8) | Najah University | 2015 |
• غمر الجزء السفلي للجسم بالماء البارد يخفِّض الإجهاد الحراريّ ويزيد زمن التحمل في الجوِّ الحار | Mohammad Fayiz Abumoh'd | Dirasat Journal | 28(1) | Yarmouk University | 2012 |
• تأثير تناول مشروب الطاقة على زمن سباق 25 م سباحة وبعض هرمونات الطاقة عند طلبة السباحة في جامعة الي | Abrar ALMetagwi and Mohammad Fayiz Abumoh'd | MU'TAH Journal | Accepted for publish | MU'TAH University | 2016 |
Effect of Caffeine Contained in Sports Drink on Hormones Producing Energy Following Sprint Test Perf | Mohammad Fayiz Abumoh'd, Laila M. Ali Matalqah, Samir Qasim | International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences | 5 : 35-42 | Internationa Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences | 2016 |
تأثير خزن كربوهيدرات وكرياتين على سباق ضاحية وتركيز إنزيم القلب ولاكتيت الدم عند طلبة التفوّق الرياض | محمد فايز | مجاة دراسات | | الجامعة الأردنية | 2016 |
تأثير مكملات البروتين على زمن الجري حتى التعب ومستوى سكر الدم وتركيز هرمون تستستيرون وكورتيزول عند ل | محمد فايز | مجلة دراسات | | الجامعة الأردنية | 2015 |
تأثير تناول مكملات الأحماض الأمينيّة ذات السلسلة المتفرعة على مسافة الجري خلال اختبار كوبر وبعض علام | محمد فايز، نزار الويسي، رامي حلاوة | مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية، جامعة البحرين | | جامعة البحرين | 2015 |
Does the Exercise and Self-Esteem Model Work on Wheelchair Basketball Players? | ---- | ---- | 18 | SportMont | 2020-02-01 00:00:00 |
Effect of Acute Sodium Bicarbonate Intake on Sprint-Intermittent Performance and Blood Biochemical Responses in Well-Trained Sprinters | Mohammad Fayiz AbuMoh’d, Walid Alsababha, Yazan Haddad, Ghaid Obeidat, Yaser Telfah2 | Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine | ---- | ---- | 2021 |
A Combination of Exercise and Therapy with Cabergoline Attenuate Disturbances of Pituitary-Gonadal Hormones in Hyperprolactinemic Male Patients | Mohammad Fayiz AbuMoh'd, Samir Qasim, Nesreen Bataineh, Loay Salman | Monten. J. Sports Sci. Med | ---- | ---- | 2020 |
Effect of β-Alanine Supplementation on Repeated Sprint Ability and Responses of Blood Lactate and Bicarbonate in Male Soccer Players | Mohammad Fayiz AbuMoh’d and Mohammad Abubaker | Sport Mont | ---- | ---- | 2020 |
Influence of an Isotonic Sports Drink during Exercise and Recovery on Subsequent Endurance Capacity and Aldosterone Response in the Heat in Well-Trained Endurance Athletes | Mohammad Fayiz AbuMoh'd | Sport Mont | ---- | ---- | 2020 |
Effects of acute caffeine on muscle damage biomarkers and time to exhaustion after a single session of resistance exercises followed by exhaustive incremental test in long-distance runners | MOHAMMAD FAYIZ ABUMOH'D, NABIL SHAMROKH, AHMED S. BATAINEH, RAMZI AL-HORANI | JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE | ---- | ---- | 2020 |
Effects of Oral Branched‐Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) Intake on Muscular and Central Fatigue During an Incremental Exercise | Mohammad Fayiz AbuMoh'd, Laila Matalqah, Zainalabidden Al-Abdulla | Journal of Human Kinetics | ---- | ---- | 2020 |
Effects of caffeine ergogenicity on short intense aerobic exercise, prolactin, and dopamine in sub-elite long-distance runners | Mohammad Fayiz AbuMoh'd, Ibtihaj Al-Junaidi | International Journal of Coaching Science | ---- | ---- | 2020 |
A Pituitary apoplexy coinciding with prolonged therapy for macroprolactinoma in a male soccer player | Mohammad Fayiz AbuMoh'd, Samir Hasan Qasim, Loay Abedalgader Salman | International Journal of Coaching Science | ---- | ---- | 2020 |
Effect of ?-Alanine Supplementation on Repeated Sprint Ability and Responses of Blood Lactate and Bicarbonate in Male Soccer Players | ---- | ---- | 18 | Sport Mont | 2020-06-01 00:00:00 |
Effect of Acute Sodium Bicarbonate Intake on Sprint-Intermittent Performance and Blood Biochemical Responses in Well-Trained Sprinters | ---- | ---- | 10 | Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine | 2021-05-01 00:00:00 |
Effects of Oral Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) Intake on Muscular and Central Fatigue During an Incremental Exercise | ---- | ---- | 72 | Journal of Human Kinetics, SCIENDO, Poland | 2020-03-30 00:00:00 |
Influence of an Isotonic Sports Drink during Exercise and Recovery on Subsequent Endurance Capacity and Aldosterone Response in the Heat in Well-Trained Endurance Athletes | ---- | ---- | 18 | Sport Mont | 2020-06-01 00:00:00 |
A Combination of Exercise and Therapy with Cabergoline Attenuate Disturbances of Pituitary-Gonadal Hormones in Hyperprolactinemic Male Patients | ---- | ---- | 9 | Monten. J. Sports Sci. Med | 2020-06-01 00:00:00 |
Effects of acute caffeine on muscle damage biomarkers and time to exhaustion after a single session of resistance exercises followed by exhaustive incremental test in long-distance runners | ---- | ---- | 15 | Journal of Human Sport & Exercise | 2020-04-30 00:00:00 |
McKenzie-type Exercises Improve the Functional Abilities of a Patient with Recurrent Herniated Discs: A Case Report
| ---- | ---- | 13 | Open Sports Sciences Journal | 2020-08-19 00:00:00 |
Effect of Oral Supplementation with L-Carnitine
on Performance Time in a 5000 m Race and
Responses of Free Fatty Acid and Carnitine
Concentrations in Trained-Endurance Athletes | ---- | ---- | 10 | Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine | 2021-09-01 00:00:00 |
The Biochemical Linkage between Gut Microbiota and Obesity: a Mini Review | ---- | ---- | 46 | human Physiology | 2021-01-25 00:00:00 |