Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Bayesian Estimation of P(Y > X) in the Exponential Case Utilizing an Initial Guessمحمد أحمد عبيدات , أيمن إبراهيم الرواشدةJordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics--------2019
A Bayesian approach to estimate a linear regression model with aggregate dataأيمن إبراهيم الرواشدة , محمد أحمد عبيداتAustrian Journal of Statistics--------2019
Acceptance sampling plans from truncated life test based on Tsallis q-exponential distributionAmjad Al Nasser and Mohammed ObeidatJournal of Applied Statistics47Taylor and Francis2020
Bayesian methods for time series of count dataMohammed Obeidat, Juxin Liu, Nathaniel Osgood, Geoff KlassanCommunications in statistics, simulation and computation--------2019
Estimation of generalized Gompertz distribution parameters under ranked-set samplingObeidat, M., Al-Nasser, A. D. and Al-Omari A. I.Journal of Probability and Statistics2020Hindawi2020
Estimation of the Lorenz Curve and Gini Index for the Symmetric Double Pareto ModelObeidat M., Rawashdeh A, and Al-Talib, M.Journal of Probability and Statistical Science15----2017
A Bayesian approach to estimate the reliability P(X > Y ) utilizing an initial guesssRawashdeh, A, Obeidat, M.Electronic Journal of Applied Statistics10----2017