Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Minimum Cycle Bases of the Semi-Strong Prod-uct of Paths and Cycles with Di¤erent Ladders.Maref Y. M. Alzoubi,International Journal of Applied MathematicsVolume 24 No. 4, pp:615-6242011
On the Basis Number of the Cartesian Prod-uct of Di¤erent Ladders.Maref Y. Alzoubi.ARS Combinatoria.Vol 99 (2011): pp. 89 -952011
Minimum Cycle Basesof The Semi-Strong Product of Some Basic Graphs.Maref Y. Alzoubi and Eid M. Al-Eid.Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics.Vol. 7, Number 1 (2011), pp. 71-76.2011
The Basis Number of The Cartesian Product of Stars and Möbius ladders with Tenets.Maref Y. Alzoubi.International Journal of Applied Mathematics.Vol. 23, No. 5, 2010, 887-894.2010
Stability and Bifurcation in a System of Integro-Di¤erence equations model II.Maref Y. Alzoubi.Applied Mathematical Sciences.Vol. 4, 2010, no. 64, 3175-3188.2010
The Basis Number and Minimal Cycle Bases of The Strong Product of Paths and Cycles with Tenets.Maref Y. Alzoubi.International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics.Vol 62 (4) : 369-379.2010
The Net Reproductive Number and Bifur-cation in an Integro-Di¤erence System of Equations.Maref Y. Alzoubi.Applied Mathematical SciencesVol. 4, no.1, 191-2002010
The Basis Number of the Strong Product of Paths with di¤erent Ladders,Maref Y. M. Alzoubi and Mais F. Obaidat.Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences,Vol. 5, 2010, no. 1, 41 - 50.2010
Adult-Juvenile Population Growth Model with Density dependenceMaref Y. M. Alzoubi and Alaaddin A. Al-BasheerInternational Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsVol. 52 No. 5,2009, 701-709.2009
The Basis Number of The Cartesian Product of Certain classes of Graphs.Maref Y. Alzoubi.SUT Journal of MathematicsVol. 44, No.2 (2008), 229-236.2008
The Basis Number of the Lexicographic product of Di¤erent Ladders with Paths and Cycles.Maref Y. Alzoubi and Reem A. Al-Ta’ani.Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.Vol. 48 (2) (2008), 303-315.2008
The Basis Number of the Cartesian product of Stars and Wheels with Di¤erent Ladders.Maref Y. AlzoubiActa Mathematica Hungarica117, No 4 (2007), 373-381.2007
The Basis Number of the Cartesian Product of a Path with a Circular Ladder, a Mobius Ladder and a NeMaref Y. Alzoubi and M.M.M. Jaradat.Kyungpook Math. Journal47 (2007), 165-174.2007
The Existence of Equilibria in a Dispersal Model for Structured Populations I.Maref Y. Alzoubi.Turkish Journal of Mathematics.31, 421-433.2007
The Basis Number of The Composition of Theta Graphs with Some Graphs.Maref Y. Alzoubi and M.M.M. Jaradat.ARS Combinatoria79 : 107-114.2006
On the Basis Number of Composition of Di¤erent Ladders with Some Graphs.Maref Y. Alzoubi and M.M.M. Jaradat.International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences12: 1861 - 1868.2005
The Basis Number of the Semi-Composition Product of Graphs I,M.M.M. Jaradat, E. A. Rawashdeh and Maref Y. Alzoubi.Turkish Journal of Mathematics.29 (2005) , 349 - 364.2005
On The Basis Number of The Semi-Strong Product of Bipartite Graphs With CyclesM.M.M. Jaradat, Maref Y. Alzoubi.Kyungpook Math. J.45(2005), 45-53.2005
An Upper Bound of The Basis Number of the Lexicographic Product of Graphs,M.M.M. Jaradat, Maref Y. Alzoubi.Australas. J. Combin.32(2005), 305-312.2005
The Basis number of the lexicographic product of di¤erent ladders,M.M.M. Jaradat, Maref Y. Alzoubi and E. A. Rawashdeh.SUT Journal of Mathematics40, No. 2 (2004), 91-101.2004
The basis number of the composition of theta graphs with stars and wheels,Maref Y. Alzoubi and M. M. Jaradat.Acta Math. Hungar.No. 4 (2004), 201-209.103, 2004
The basis number of the composition of graphs,Mohammed Hailat and Maref Alzoubi.Istanbul University Fen. Fak. Mat. Der.53; 43-6011994