Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
the impact of electronic devices on the female students' interpersonal relationships and their academic achievementMuhammad Khaled Al-alawnehInternational Jouranl of Learing, Teaching, and Educational Research18IJLTER.Org17/11/2019
communication skills in practices:, Deenal Aljamal , Mher Saleem, Ghada Sasa, Muhammad Khaled Al-alawnehInternational Jouranl of Learing, Teaching, and Educational Research18IJLTER.Org6/2019
The effect of a site-based professional development program in jordanian EFL teachers' performance and their prcetions about itLubna Shawish, Ruba Bataineh, Muhammad Al-alawnehLOBLIN Studies--------2019
Vocational Students' Perceptions toward the Traits of Effective Faculty Members: The Case of Albalqa Applied UniversityMaaly Al-Mazary, Muhammad k.International Jouranl of Learing, Teaching, and Educational Research--------2019
Quality assurance (QA) criteria’s implementation: the case of vocational education and training in Jordan.Muhammad Khaled Al-AlawnehMulticultural Education6----2020
Does Web 2.0 supported project-based instruction improve Jordanian EFL learners' speaking performanceBataineh, R. F. , Migdadi, A. S., Al-Alawneh, M. K.Teaching English with Technology20علوم انسانية2020
). درجة امتلاك معلمي التربية المهنية للمهارات الوظيفية كما يراها المعلمون والمدراءالعلاونة, محمد خالد وشديفات, أمل سميرالمنارة جامعة آل البيت21----2015
وجهة نظر اللاجئات السوريات حول البرامج التدريبية المقدمة لهن في محافظة اربد والصعوبات التي تواجههننزال, غيداء و العلاونة, محمد خالدالمجلة التربوية جامعة الكويت1----2017
دراسة نوعية حول استخدام معلمي التربية المهنية للوسائط المتعددةالعلاونة, محمد خالد, المومني, محمد و بني هاني خيلاءمجلة جامعة الخليل14----2019
Does Web 2.0-Supported Project-Based Instruction Improve Jordanian EFL Learners' Speaking Performance? --------20Teaching English with Technology2020-08-01 00:00:00
The Effect of COVID-19 on the Socio-Economic Status of the Jordanian Workforce. Learned Lessons and Suggested SolutionsAl-Alawneh, M. K., Gharaibeh, A., Alawneh, F. K., and AlrefaiMulticultural Education8----2022
How did they become successful leaders? A qualitative study on the elements of leadership success in vocational and technical educationAl Alawneh, Muhammad KhaledMultidisciplinary Reviews5-7----2024
How did they become successful leaders? A qualitative study on the elements of leadership success in vocational and technical educationAl Alawneh, Muhammad KhaledMultidisciplinary Reviews5-7----2024
How Did They Become Leaders? The Case of Vocational and Technical Institutions in Jordan.Muhammad Al-alawnehMultidisciplinary Reviews7Malqua2024