Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Structural and magnetic properties of Er3Fe5-xGaxO12 garnetsIbrahim Bsoul, Rasheed Olayaan, Mahdi Lataifeh, Qassem I. Mohaidat, Sami H. MahmoodMater. Res. Express6IOP Publishing(2019)
The Structural and the Magnetic Properties of Aluminum Substituted Yttrium Iron Garnet,,Qassem I. Mohaidat, Mahdi Lataifeh, Khozima Hamasha, Sami H. Mahmood, Ibrahim Bsoul, and Mufeed AwawdehMaterials Research21---- (2018)
Structural, Mӧssbauer spectroscopy, magnetic properties, and thermal measurements of Y3-xDyxFe5O12.M. Lataifeh, Q.I. Mohaidat, S.H. Mahmood, I. Bsoul, M. Awawdeh, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, M. AltheebaChinese Physics BVolume 27 (10); 107501, pp 7----(2108)
Structural, Mossbauer Effect, Magnetic, and Thermal Properties of Gadolinium Erbium Iron Garnet System Gd3-xErxFe5O12.. Qassem I. Mohaidat Mahdi Lataifeh, , Sami H. Mahmood, Ibrahim Bsoul, and Mufeed Awawdeh.J. of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism30----(2017)
The Field Dependent Magnetization of d5- d7 Metal - Diketonate Complexes and Their Macromolecular PolymersMohammed A. Al-Anber, Haneen Daoud & Mahdi LataifehJournal of Macromolecular Science, part B: PhysicsVolume 53---- (2014)
Structural and Magnetic Studies of Ga-doped Yttrium Iron Garnet--------36----2021-01-24 00:00:00