Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Management of Intraoperative Mechanical Ventilation to Prevent Postoperative Complication after General Anesthesia: A Narrative ReviewAlberto Fogagnolo, Federica Montanaro, Lou'i Al-HusinatJournal of Clinical Medicine--------15\6\2021
Quantum Conductance of Abnormal Voltage-Gated Channels Can Depolarize the Membrane Potential of Cancer Cells: A Quantum Mathematical StudyLou’i Al-Husinat, Abdallah Barjas Qaswal *, Fuad Mohammed Zayed, Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Azzam, Mohammad Al-Alawneh, Khaled Al-Kharouf, Murad Emar, Mo’ath Bani Ali, Moath Ahmad Albliwi, Sami Sartawi, Ameen Ismail, Omaymah Al-Shweiki, Ahmad Enjadat, Huthaifa W. AlmaaitahNeuroquantology JournalVolume 20----22/07/2022
Double neuraxial catheter (Subarachnoid and epidural) in obese patient cancer surgery: A case reportLou'i Al‐Husinat ,Fannia Barletta, Vittoria Gammaldi, Alameen Alsabbah ,Domenico GammaldiAnnals of Medicine and Surgery--------17/08/2022
Post-COVID-19 syndrome symptoms after mild and moderate SARS-CoV-2 infectionnLou'i Al-Husinat, Mokeem Nusir, Haitham Al-Gharaibeh, Amer A. Alomari, Mahmoud M. Smadi, Denise Battaglini, Paolo PelosiiFrontiers in Medicine, section Pulmonary Medicine----Frontiers3/10/2022
The Quantum Tunneling-induced depolarization Can Explain Epilepsy Due to Gain-Of-Function (GOF) Mutations of Potassium ChannelsLou’i Al-Husinat, Abdallah Barjas Qaswal, Fuad Mohammed Zayed, Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Azzam ,Moath Ahmad Albliwi , Mo’ath Bani Ali, Nisreen Haddad, Dana Qasrawi, Ahmad Enjadat , Lara Ramadan, Marah Zaid Haddad,Randa AlOmari, Mohammad Albasheesh , Asma Alshaeb , Heba Dalgamouni, Mohammad Masa’deh and Mohammad AbuzenahNeuroquantology Journal20NeuroQuantology Journal18/09/2022
Personalized medicine using omics approaches in acute respiratory distress syndrome to identify biological phenotypesDenise Battaglini,Lou’i Al‑Husinat,Ana Gabriela Normando,Adriana Paes Leme,Kleber Franchini,Marcelo Morales,Paolo Pelosi and Patricia RM Rocco7Respiratory Research----BMC ( BioMed Central)19.11.2022
" Norepinephrine may exacerbate septic acute kidney injury: A narrative review "Lou’i Al-Husinat , Alameen Alsabbah, Amer Abu Hmaid, Razan Athamneh, Majd Adwan, Mohammad N. Hourani, Seif Almakhadmeh, Zaid Jehad Al Modanat, Mohammed I. A Ismail and Giustino Varrassi 4Journal of Clinical Medicine12MDPI9/2/2023
Bone Cement and Its Anesthetic Complications: A Narrative ReviewLou’i Al-Husinat ,Basil Jouryyeh ,Sarah Al Sharie ,Zaid Al Modanat ,Ahmad Jurieh ,Laith Al Hseinat and Giustino VarrassiiJournal of Clinical Medicine12MDPI07/03/2023
Effect of expiratory flow limitation on ventilation/perfusion mismatch and perioperative lung function during pneumoperitoneum and Trendelenburg positionnAlberto FOGAGNOLO,Savino SPADARO,Dan S. KARBING, Gaetano SCARAMUZZO, Matilde MARI, Silvia GUIRRINI, Riccardo RAGAZZI, Lou’i AL-HUSINAT, Pantaleo GRECO, Stephen E. REES, carlo a. VoltaaMinerva Anestesiologica89Edizioni Minerva Medica S.p.A15/03/2023
A Rare Case of Scalp Arteriovenous Malformation in an Adolescent PatientMuna Talafha , Sarah Al Sharie , Osama J. Abu-Hamdiyah , Mohammad Araydah , Lou'i Al-Husinat , Giustino VarrassiCureus----.Cureus, Inc21/04/2023
Palliative care in amyotrophic lateral sclerosisSebastiano Mercadante , Lou'i Al-HusinatJournal of Pain and Symptom Management----ELSEVIER25/06/2023
Role of aspirin, beta-blocker, statins, and heparin therapy in septic patients under mechanical ventilation: a narrative reviewLou’i Al-Husinat, Amer Abu Hmaid, Hadeel Abbas, Batool Abuelsamen, Mutaz Albelbisi, Said Haddad, Ibrahim Qamileh, Ossaid Quneis, Zaid Jehad Al Modanat, Giuseppe Ferrara, Fernando Suparregui Dias and Gilda CinnellaFrontiers in Medicine----Frontiers Media S.A10/07/2023
Role of aspirin, beta-blocker, statins, and heparin therapy in septic patients under mechanical ventilation: a narrative reviewLou’i Al-Husinat, Amer Abu Hmaid, Hadeel Abbas, Batool Abuelsamen, Mutaz Albelbisi, Said Haddad, Ibrahim Qamileh, Ossaid Quneis, Zaid Jehad Al Modanat, Giuseppe Ferrara, Fernando Suparregui Dias and Gilda CinnellaFrontiers in Medicine----Frontiers Media S.A10/07/2023
Amanita phalloides Poisoning, Early Activated Charcoal Plus N-acetyl cysteine Treatment: Case Report and a brief literature ReviewLoui M. Al-Husinat, , Alameen Alsabbah,Giuseppe Ferrara,Cotoia Antonella,Renata Becka,Acta Medica Croatica76Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatica10/07/2023
High-Flow Oxygen Therapy in the Perioperative Setting and Procedural Sedation: A Review of Current EvidenceLou’i Al-Husinat , Basil Jouryyeh , Ahlam Rawashdeh , Abdelrahman Alenaizat , Mohammad Abushehab , Mohammad Wasfi Amir , Zaid Al Modanat , Denise Battaglini , and Gilda Cinnella6Journal Of Clinical Medicine12MDPI23\10\2023
Clinical Characteristics of Spinal versus General Anaesthesia in Older Patients Undergoing Hip Fracture Repair Surgery in Jordan: A Multicentre StudyLou’i Al-Husinat , Sarah Al Sharie , Mohammad Araydah , Zaid Al Modanat , Mohammed I. A. Ismail , Hadeel B. Heilat , Mohd Said Dawod , Khaled Ahmad Sawaftah , Silvia De Rosa and Denise BattagliniJournal of Personalized Medicine----MDPI16/11/2023
Anti-inflammatory therapies for acute respiratory distress syndromeDenise Battaglini,Ida Giorgia Iavarone,Lou’i Al-Husinat,Lorenzo Ball,Chiara Robba,Pedro Leme Silva,Fernanda F. Cruz &Patricia RM RoccoExpert Opinion on Investigational Drugs----Taylor and Francis Ltd23/11/2023
Assessment of Basic Life Support Knowledge Among Medical Students in Jordan: Implications for Improving Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Road Traffic Accident Survival RatesLou'i Al-Husinat , Mokeem Nusir , Haitham Al-Gharaibeh , Mohammad Nusir , Fadi Haddad , Zaid Al Modanat , Giustino VarrassiCureus , Journal of Medical Science----Springer Nature06/12/2023
Unraveling the Complex Web of Fibromyalgia: A Narrative ReviewSarah Al Sharie , Scott J. Varga , Lou’i Al-Husinat , Piercarlo Sarzi-Puttini , Mohammad Araydah , Batool Riyad Bal’awi and Giustino VarrassiMedicina60MDPI4/02/2024
The Role of Ultrasonography in the Process of Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation in Critically Ill PatientsLou’i Al-Husinat , Basil Jouryyeh , Ahlam Rawashdeh , Chiara Robba , Pedro Leme Silva , Patricia Rieken Macedo Rocco and Denise BattagliniDiagnostics14MDPI12/02/2024
Management of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents in Critically Ill Patients with Lung DiseasesIda Giorgia Iavarone ,Lou’i Al-Husinat ,Jorge Luis Vélez-Páez,Chiara Robba,Pedro Leme Silva ,Patricia R. M. Rocco and Denise BattagliniJournal of Clinical Medicine13MDPI19/2/2024
Effects of mechanical ventilation on the interstitial extracellular matrix in healthy lungs and lungs affected by acute respiratory distress syndrome: a narrative reviewLou’i Al‑Husinat, Saif Azzam, Sarah Al Sharie, Ahmed H. Al Sharie, Denise Battaglini, Chiara Robba, John J. Marini, Lauren T. Thornton, Fernanda F. Cruz, Pedro L. Silva and Patricia R. M. Rocco7Critical Care28BioMed Central15/05/2024
Impact of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification on hip fracture surgery outcomes: insights from a retrospective analysisLou’i Al-Husinat, Saif Azzam, Sarah Al Sharie, Laith Al Hseinat, Mohammad Araydah, Zaid Al Modanat, Ala Riyad Balawi, Ahmed Haroun, Adel Alsharei, Saif Gharaibeh, Ahmed Alzoubi, Silvia De Rosa, and Denise BattagliniBMC Anesthesiology24BioMed Central05/8/2024