Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Informed Consent Form Challenges for Genetic Research in JordanAlmuthanna Alkaraki, Omar Khabour, Karem Alzoubi, Lina Al-Ebbini, Zaid AltaaniJournal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare13Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare2020-03-05 00:00:00
A decision analytic approach to predicting quality of life for lung transplant recipients: A hybrid genetic algorithms-based methodologyA Oztekin, L Al-Ebbini, Z Sevkli, D DelenEuropean Journal of Operational Research--------16/4/2018
Biomedical Data Sharing Among Researchers: A Study from JordanLina Al-Ebbini, Omar F Khabour, Karem H Alzoubi, Almuthanna K AlkarakiJournal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare--------23/11/2020
New design for the separation of microorganisms using microfluidic deterministic lateral displacementMohamed Al-Fandi, Mohammad Al-Rousan, Mohammad AK Jaradat, Lina Al-EbbiniRobotics and computer-integrated manufacturing--------1/4/2011
FLAS: fuzzy lung allocation system for US-based transplantationsLina Al-Ebbini, Asil Oztekin, Yao ChenEuropean Journal of Operational Research--------2016/2/1
Design of a user-friendly LabVIEW-based toolbox for real-time monitoring and diagnosis of vital signalsMashhour M Bani Amer, Yasser Qtait, Lina Al-Ebbini, Sammer Ammary, Maher AwwadInternational Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics--------2010/1/1
Flagellated Bacteria As Self-Navigator Nano/Bio-RobotsMohamed Al-Fandi, Mohammad A Jaradat, Mohammad Al-Rousan, Lina Al-Ebbini, Saied JaradatJournal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology--------2012/4
Fuzzy Approach for Determination the Optimum Therapeutic Parameters in Neuromuscular Stimulation SystemsMashhour M Bani Amer, Lina Al-EbbiniJournal of medical systems--------2010/8/1
Ethical issues in bio-sample sharing among the public in JordanLina MK Al-Ebbini, Omar F Khabour, Karem H Alzoubi, Almuthanna K AlkarakiHeliyon7Heliyon/elsevier2021-02-21 00:00:00
ECG heartbeat arrhythmias classifcation: a comparison study between diferent types of spectrum representation and convolutional neural networks architecturesAli Mohammad Alqudah · Shoroq Qazan · Lina Al‑Ebbini · Hiam Alquran · Isam Abu QasmiehJournal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing1----2021-04-08 00:00:00
TELE-MONITORING SYSTEM OF RISK IN RESPIRATORY PATIENTSAwad Al-Zaben, Lina M.K. Al-Ebbini and Badr QatashahBiomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications33World Scientific2021-07-05 00:00:00
Sharing, reuse, and storage of biosamples among biomedical researchers in Jordan: Practice and concernsAlmuthanna K. Alkaraki,Omar F. Khabour,Karem H. Alzoubi,Lina M. K. Al-Ebbini ,Zaid AltaanyPLOS ONE17PLOS28/4/2022
Development of an inkjet-printed electrochemical nanosensor for ascorbic acid detectionHadeel Alhazimeh, Mohamed Ghazi Al-Fandi, and Lina M.K. Al-EbbiniSensor Review42Emerald Publishing Limited11/4/2022
An Efficient Allocation for Lung Transplantation Using Ant Colony OptimizationLina M.K. Al-EbbiniIntelligent Automation & Soft Computing--------May 2022
Nanoarchitectonics of composite biosensor for early detection of hepatocellular carcinomaSalsabeel S. Al-Mosht, Mohamed G. Al-Fandi, and Lina M.K. Al-EbbiniApplied Physics A--------May 2022