Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Architectural Remains at Barsinia, Results of Two Seasons of Excavations (2006 and 2007)Lamia El-KhouriADAJ55: 467-488Dept. of Antiquities, Jordan2012
Strontium Isotope Analysis of Human Tooth Enamel from Barsinia: A Late Antique Site in Northern JordLamia El-Khouri; Abdallah Al-ShormanJournal of Archaeological and Anthropological ScienceUSA2011
Barsinia 1st Century BC – 1st Century AD Pottery from the Cistern, Area ALamia El-KhouriAOAT (Ugarit Forschungen)42: 161-190Germany2011
Stone Grinding Tools of the Northern Highlands of Jordan in Classical and Early Islamic PeriodsLamia El-KhouriBuried History 46: 29-38Australia2010
Tombs of the Roman and Byzantine Periods at Barsinia (Northwest Jordan)Lamia El-KhouriZDPV126: 131-139Germany2010
Cults of Roman – Byzantine Jordan, at the Decapolis and the Surrounding CountrysideLamia El-KhouriKrise und Kult, Vorderer Orient und Nordafrika von Aurelian bis Justinian. Millennium-StudiesBand 28, pp. 181-206Germany2010
Barsinia: a Newly-Excavated Archaeological Site in North-Western JordanLamia El-KhouriStudies in The History and Archaeology of Jordan (SHAJ)10, pp. 61-66Jordan2009
A Rhodian Stamped Amphora Handle from the Site of BarsiniaLamia El-KhouriDirasat. Human and Social SciencesVolume 36, (Supplement): 177-182.Jordan University2009
Barsinia, Archaeology in Jordan, 2007 SeasonLamia El-KhouriAmerican Journal of Archaeology112: 5132008
Roman Countryside in North-Western JordanLamia El-KhouriLEVANT40,1: 1-17England2008
Barsinia, Archaeology in Jordan, 2006 SeasonLamia El-KhouriAmerican Journal of Archaeology 111, 3: 523-547USA2007
In Situ Glass Conservation: A Case Study From The Archaeological Site of Barsinia, JordanLamia El-Khouri; Ramadan AbdallahAdumatu16: 25-362007
Roman and Byzantine Settlements in the Region of West IrbidLamia El-KhouriPEQ (Palestine Exploration Quarterly) 139,3: 167-186England2007
Fertility as an Element in the Late Nabataean BeliefsLamia El-KhouriLEVANT (Annual of the Council for British Research in the Levant) 39: 81-90England2007
Nabataean Pilgrimage through their Archaeological RemainsLamia El-KhouriARAMvol. 19, 1&2. P. 325-340University of Oxford2007
A Lihyanite StatuetteLamia El-KhouriSemitica 52-53. Pp. 93-100France2007
West Irbid Survey 2005, Preliminary Report Lamia El-Khouri; W. Abu-Azizeh; T. Steimer-Herbert; M. Tarboush ADAJ (Annual of the 50: 121-138Dept. of Antiquities of Jordan2006
Dionysus and its Representations by the NabataeansLamia El-KhouriAgesVol. 15, part 2, 5-21Mars Publishing2005
A New Nabataean Inscription from Wadi Mataha, PetraLamia El-KhouriPEQ (Palestine Exploration Quarterly)137, 2: 169-174England2005
Ein Graffito aus Tell Abu HarazLamia El-Khouri; Omar al-GhulZDPV114 (1998)2Harrassowitz Verlag, Germany1998