Issa Shehabat, “Universities in the Arab World: Challenges and Ambitions to Promote Knowledge-Based | | | | | |
Issa Shehabat, Mohammad Berrish, “E-learning Content Enhanced by Active Knowledge Management Techniq | | | | | |
Issa Shehabat, “Case Study: Quick Development of E-Learning Course”, Proceedings of REV2010 - Remote | | | | | |
Issa Shehabat, "Towards Knowledge Based Education", Proceedings of the "World International Conferen | | | | | |
Issa Shehabat, "Design and Implementation of Parallel Subunit for Synthesis Mathematical Models", Jo | | | | | |
Issa Shehabat, Saad A. Mahdi, "E-Learning and its Impact to the Educational System in the Arab World | | | | | |
Issa Shehabat, Saad A. Mahdi and Kamel Khoualdi, “ E-Learning as Knowledge Management Approach for I | | | | | |
Shehabat ISSA, Saad A. Mahdi, Kamel Khoualdi, Knowledge Management And Intellectual Capital At The U | | | | | |
Shehabat I. M., Al-Dahleh M. Z. "A Method of Reduction of the Microinstructions of Synchronous Digit | | | | | |
Zitar R. A., Hanandeh E., Shehabat I., " Genetic algorithm with neighbor solution approach for Trave | | | | | |
Shehabat ISSA, Experimental Approach for Developing an E-Learning Course, Proceedings of the 2nd Int | | | | | |
Shehabat ISSA, E-Commerce: Infrastructure and Applications, Fourth international conference on probl | | | | | |
Issa Shehabat, "Design and Implementation of Parallel Subunit for Synthesis Mathematical Models", Jo | | | | | |
The Impact of Knowledge Management on Human Capital in Higher Education: Perception from a Developing Country | Shehabat, I., Harb, Y., & Zahrawi A | International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies | 11 | Inderscience | 2020 |
Deploying Internet of Things in Healthcare: Benefits, Requirements, Challenges and Applications | I Shehabat, N Al-Hussein | Journal of Communications (JCM) | 13 | ---- | 2018 |
The influence of knowledge management practices on e-government success: A proposed framework tested | E Abu-Shanab, I Shehabat | Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy | 12 | Emerald Publishing Limited | 2018 |
The role of social platforms in establishing brand awareness for B2C e-commerce: empirical study. | Al-Dwairi, R., Harb, Y., and Shehabat, I. | International Journal of Business Information Systems | 33 | InderScience | 2020 |
Integration Between Knowledge Management and Total Quality Management in Jordanian Universities: Empirical Study | IM Shehabat | International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) | 8 | IGI Global | 2017 |
The impact of knowledge management on customer relationship management: a case from the fast food industry in Jordan | F Mahawrah, I Shehabat, E Abu-Shanab | Int. J. of Electronic Customer Relationship Management | 10 | InderScience | 2016 |
The impact of knowledge management on human capital in higher education: perception from a developing country | ---- | ---- | 11 | ---- | 2020-08-25 00:00:00 |
Managing knowledge workers in healthcare context: role of individual and knowledge characteristics in physicians' knowledge sharing
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | 2021-01-08 00:00:00 |