Attendance | | | | |
“Dialektgeographie Nordarabiens aufgrunde der frühnordarabischen Inschriften” | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
“First evidence of the Babylonian king Nabonidus in the early North Arabian inscriptions from Taymæ' | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The relationship between Old South Arabian Languages and Modern South Arabian Languages of Yemen and | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
“Nachrichten aus den klassischen arabischen Überlieferungen zur Geschichte des Hornes Afrika” | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
“Preserving the Ancient Written Heritage of the Jordanian Badiya | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Lexical Contributions from some Medieval Arabic Sources to the Ethio-Semitic Lexicon | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The word wtf in Ancient North Arabian. Philipps-Universitaet. Marburg | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The Verbal System in the Old South Arabian Inscriptions written on Wood | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The historical and linguistic significance of Multilingualism in Tayma' region before Islam | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
A Juridical process in Ancient Yemen in the light of a new Hadramitic inscription | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The Old South Arabian Inscriptions in the Collections of the Semitic Museum and the Peabody Museum a | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Invited lecture: “Dialect Geography of Ancient North Arabia between the 7th century B.C. and the 4th | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Ancient North Arabian / Taymanite inscriptions mentioning Nabonidus | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Ancient North Arabian and the question of Old Arabic. | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Reflections on the Classification of the Ancient North Arabian epigraphical groups | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The Enigma of Old Arabic in the Ancient North Arabian Inscriptions | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Integrating the Ancient Written and Oral Heritage in the School Curricula | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Some Epigraphical and Archaeological Considerations on Camel Burials in the Pre-Islamic Arabian real | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The concept of resurrection in the Arabic-Isalmic tradition and its origins in Pre-Islamic Arabia as | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
A New Ancient South Arabian Expiatory Inscription | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The Jordanian Epigraphical Heritage | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Preliminary investigation of two new Qatabanian inscriptions from Wadi Markha mentioning a dedicatio | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The Semitic and non-Semitic Epigraphical Heritage of Ancient Jordan | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Ancient North Arabian – Nabataean Bilingualism in the Hisma Desert – Jordan | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Cultural Heritage in Jordan | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
| Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The Ancient North Arabian and Nabataean Inscriptions and the Problematic of Digital Cataloguing. | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Enhancing Sustainable Tourism Competitiveness by using World Heritage networkshop tools | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The Ritual Significance of Water in the Ancient Near Eastern Cultures. | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Progress on the digital cataloguing of the Ancient North Arabian and Nabataean inscriptions for MENC | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
New epigraphical evidence on the Ancient North Arabian – Nabataean bilingualism | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
L’image des Jafnides dans la poésie arabe ancienne | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Das koranische al->u¾dýd – eine neue Interpretation im Lichte der des Südsemitischen | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Abyssinien in den arabischen mittelalterlichen Quellen: eine Übersicht | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Der Qur'nische Wortschatz im Rahmen der semitischen Sprachen | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Best approaches to the analysis and digitization of pre-Islamic Arabian inscriptions | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Neues zur altnordarabischen vor-islamischen Religion anhand neuer epigraphischen Entdeckungen | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
- Interventions on the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Jordan
- Participating in making decisions
| Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Contribution on Nominating Intangible Cultural Heritage Elements | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
| Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Nomination of Jordanian Intangible Cultural Heritage Elements (خطة تسجيل ملفات على لائحة التراث الثق | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Transmitting Intangible Heritage in Jordan to the future Generations: The responsibilities, precauti | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The Toponymy of Bani Kinana Region – Northern Jordan. | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
“Raising Awareness about Intangible Cultural Heritage in Jordan | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
| | | | |
The Importance of Awareness about Intangible Cultural Heritage in the prosperity of Societies | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Traditional Handicrafts in Jordan and the problematic of their integration in tourism sector. | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The implementation of Museums in Safeguarding and promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The role of museums in preserving Intangible Cultural Heritage. دور المتاحف في صون التراث الثقافي غي | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The cultural space of Bedu pf Petra and Wadi Ram. | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
| Hani Hayajneh | | | |
| Hani Hayajneh | | | |
| Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Jordan's Intangible Cultural Heritage - Assessment and future strategy | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Info-Sessions on the importance of Intangible Cultural Heritage for the Jordanian community. Activit | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Lecture on the role of NGOs and CBOs in promoting ICH in Jordan and how they could profit from the l | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Workshop on the role of NGOs and CBOs (7 hours) in promoting ICH in Jordan; the role of UNESCO in pr | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
| Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Inventorying Intangible Cultural Heritage. | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
he role of mass media in safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
| Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Cultural and linguistic insights into the epigraphical heritage of Pre-Islamic North Arabia. | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The role if Intangible Cultural Heritage in promoting Cultural diversity | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
| Hani Hayajneh | | | |
| Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Inventorying Madaba Intangible Cultural Heritage | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Hawrān in Nordarabien als Kultur- und Sprachgebiet in vorislamischer Zeit. Donnerstag, 26. April 201 | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
| Hani Hayajneh | | | |
The UNESCO Convention regarding Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Madaba Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
Challenges of Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in Jordan | Hani Hayajneh | | | |
My Experience as a UNESCO Facilitator for Intangible Cultural Heritage | Hani Hayajneh | | | |