“Dialektgeographie Nordarabiens aufgrunde der frühnordarabischen Inschriften”Hani Hayajneh
“First evidence of the Babylonian king Nabonidus in the early North Arabian inscriptions from Taymæ'Hani Hayajneh
The relationship between Old South Arabian Languages and Modern South Arabian Languages of Yemen andHani Hayajneh
“Nachrichten aus den klassischen arabischen Überlieferungen zur Geschichte des Hornes Afrika”Hani Hayajneh
“Preserving the Ancient Written Heritage of the Jordanian BadiyaHani Hayajneh
Lexical Contributions from some Medieval Arabic Sources to the Ethio-Semitic LexiconHani Hayajneh
The word wtf in Ancient North Arabian. Philipps-Universitaet. MarburgHani Hayajneh
The Verbal System in the Old South Arabian Inscriptions written on WoodHani Hayajneh
The historical and linguistic significance of Multilingualism in Tayma' region before IslamHani Hayajneh
A Juridical process in Ancient Yemen in the light of a new Hadramitic inscriptionHani Hayajneh
The Old South Arabian Inscriptions in the Collections of the Semitic Museum and the Peabody Museum aHani Hayajneh
Invited lecture: “Dialect Geography of Ancient North Arabia between the 7th century B.C. and the 4thHani Hayajneh
Ancient North Arabian / Taymanite inscriptions mentioning NabonidusHani Hayajneh
Ancient North Arabian and the question of Old Arabic.Hani Hayajneh
Reflections on the Classification of the Ancient North Arabian epigraphical groupsHani Hayajneh
The Enigma of Old Arabic in the Ancient North Arabian InscriptionsHani Hayajneh
Integrating the Ancient Written and Oral Heritage in the School CurriculaHani Hayajneh
Some Epigraphical and Archaeological Considerations on Camel Burials in the Pre-Islamic Arabian realHani Hayajneh
The concept of resurrection in the Arabic-Isalmic tradition and its origins in Pre-Islamic Arabia asHani Hayajneh
A New Ancient South Arabian Expiatory InscriptionHani Hayajneh
The Jordanian Epigraphical HeritageHani Hayajneh
Preliminary investigation of two new Qatabanian inscriptions from Wadi Markha mentioning a dedicatioHani Hayajneh
The Semitic and non-Semitic Epigraphical Heritage of Ancient JordanHani Hayajneh
Ancient North Arabian – Nabataean Bilingualism in the Hisma Desert – JordanHani Hayajneh
Cultural Heritage in JordanHani Hayajneh
Hani Hayajneh
The Ancient North Arabian and Nabataean Inscriptions and the Problematic of Digital Cataloguing. Hani Hayajneh
Enhancing Sustainable Tourism Competitiveness by using World Heritage networkshop toolsHani Hayajneh
The Ritual Significance of Water in the Ancient Near Eastern Cultures. Hani Hayajneh
Progress on the digital cataloguing of the Ancient North Arabian and Nabataean inscriptions for MENCHani Hayajneh
New epigraphical evidence on the Ancient North Arabian – Nabataean bilingualismHani Hayajneh
L’image des Jafnides dans la poésie arabe ancienneHani Hayajneh
Das koranische al->u¾dýd – eine neue Interpretation im Lichte der des SüdsemitischenHani Hayajneh
Abyssinien in den arabischen mittelalterlichen Quellen: eine ÜbersichtHani Hayajneh
Der Qur'nische Wortschatz im Rahmen der semitischen SprachenHani Hayajneh
Best approaches to the analysis and digitization of pre-Islamic Arabian inscriptionsHani Hayajneh
Neues zur altnordarabischen vor-islamischen Religion anhand neuer epigraphischen EntdeckungenHani Hayajneh
- Interventions on the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Jordan - Participating in making decisions Hani Hayajneh
Contribution on Nominating Intangible Cultural Heritage ElementsHani Hayajneh
Hani Hayajneh
Nomination of Jordanian Intangible Cultural Heritage Elements (خطة تسجيل ملفات على لائحة التراث الثقHani Hayajneh
Transmitting Intangible Heritage in Jordan to the future Generations: The responsibilities, precautiHani Hayajneh
The Toponymy of Bani Kinana Region – Northern Jordan. Hani Hayajneh
“Raising Awareness about Intangible Cultural Heritage in JordanHani Hayajneh
The Importance of Awareness about Intangible Cultural Heritage in the prosperity of SocietiesHani Hayajneh
Traditional Handicrafts in Jordan and the problematic of their integration in tourism sector.Hani Hayajneh
The implementation of Museums in Safeguarding and promotion of Intangible Cultural HeritageHani Hayajneh
The role of museums in preserving Intangible Cultural Heritage. دور المتاحف في صون التراث الثقافي غيHani Hayajneh
The cultural space of Bedu pf Petra and Wadi Ram.Hani Hayajneh
Hani Hayajneh
Hani Hayajneh
Hani Hayajneh
Jordan's Intangible Cultural Heritage - Assessment and future strategyHani Hayajneh
Info-Sessions on the importance of Intangible Cultural Heritage for the Jordanian community. ActivitHani Hayajneh
Lecture on the role of NGOs and CBOs in promoting ICH in Jordan and how they could profit from the lHani Hayajneh
Workshop on the role of NGOs and CBOs (7 hours) in promoting ICH in Jordan; the role of UNESCO in prHani Hayajneh
Hani Hayajneh
Inventorying Intangible Cultural Heritage.Hani Hayajneh
he role of mass media in safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. Hani Hayajneh
Hani Hayajneh
Cultural and linguistic insights into the epigraphical heritage of Pre-Islamic North Arabia.Hani Hayajneh
The role if Intangible Cultural Heritage in promoting Cultural diversityHani Hayajneh
Hani Hayajneh
Hani Hayajneh
Inventorying Madaba Intangible Cultural HeritageHani Hayajneh
Hawrān in Nordarabien als Kultur- und Sprachgebiet in vorislamischer Zeit. Donnerstag, 26. April 201Hani Hayajneh
Hani Hayajneh
The UNESCO Convention regarding Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. Hani Hayajneh
Madaba Inventory of Intangible Cultural HeritageHani Hayajneh
Challenges of Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in JordanHani Hayajneh
My Experience as a UNESCO Facilitator for Intangible Cultural HeritageHani Hayajneh