Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Improving IWD algorithm using Adaptive SchemaMsallam, M. and Hamdan, MInternational Journal of Bio-Inspired Computing3(2):103-111Inderscience2011
On the disruption-level of Polynomial Mutation for Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimisation AlgoriHamdan, M.Computing and Informatics29(5):1001-10182010
Computerization and E-government Implementation in Jordan: Challenges, Obstacles and SuccessesAl-Nagi, E. and Hamdan, M. Government Information Quarterly26(4):577-583Elsevier2009
A Heterogeneous Framework for the Global Parallelization of Genetic AlgorithmsHamdan, M.IAJIT5(2):192-1992008
Developing a Cost Model for a Parallel Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study.Hamdan, M.Abhath Al-Yarmouk Journal: Basic Sciences and Engineering18(2):183-199Yarmouk University2009
A Generic Parallel Map: Extending the List Map HOF to Arbitrary Data StructuresHamdan, M.Abhath Al-Yarmouk Journal: Basic Sciences and Engineering16(1): 123-134Yarmouk University2007
Optimizing the Self-Organizing Team Size Using a Genetic Algorithm in Agile PracticesAlmadhoun, W., & Hamdan, MJournal of Intelligent Systems--------2018
Automated Quantification of Eye Blink Rate Using VIOLA–JONES AlgorithmHamdan, M. & Shehadeh, H.International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD)----IGI2018
Optimization of Small Wind Turbines using Genetic Algorithms. International Journal of Applied Metaheuristics ComputingHamdan, M. & Abdelrazaq, MInternational Journal of Applied Metaheuristics Computing--------2016
Hybridizing Harmony Search Algorithm with Different Mutation Operators for Continuous ProblemsHasan, B., Abu Doush, I., Al Maghayreh, E., Alkhateeb, F. & HamdanApplied Mathematics and Computation----Elsevier2014
A Novel Approach for Health Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor NetworkYassein, M., Hamdan, M., Shehadeh, H. & Mrayan, LInternational Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation----Praise Worthy2017
Intelligent autonomous transport systems design and simulationCheng Siong Chin, Xionghu Zhong, Mohammad Hamdan, Rongxin Cui, Juan C Cano, Jose R DioJournal of Advanced Transportation--------2018