Network Coding with Multi-generation Mixing: A Generalized Framework for Practical Network Coding | Mohammed Halloush, and Hayder Radha | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Volume: 10 Issue: 2, Pages: 466–473 | | February 2011 |
A Framework for Video Network Coding with Multi-generation Mixing | Mohammed Halloush, and Hayder Radha | Journal of Communications (JCM) | Volume 7, Number 3, Pages: 192 – 201 | | March 2012 |
On The Network Characteristics of The Google’s Suggest Service | Zakaria Alqudah, Mohammed Halloush, Hussein Alzoubi, and Osameh Alkofahi | Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence (JETWI) | Volume: 4, Number: 3, Pages: 278-284 | | August 2012. |
On Varying Network Coding Forwarding Ratio in Vector Based Wireless Sensor Networks | Mohammed Halloush, and Tasneem Dawahdeh | Journal of Network (JNW) | Volume: 8, Number: 3, Pages: 530-536 | | March 2013 |
The Performance of MANET Routing Protocols for Scalable Video Communication | Mohammed Halloush, Hussein R. Al-Zoubi, Zakaria Al-Qudah, and Osameh Alkofahi | Journal of Communications and Networks (CN) | | | May 2013 |
Adaptive Forwarding Using Network Coding in Vector Based Wireless Sensor Networks | Mohammed Halloush, and Tasneem Dawahdeh | International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNeT) | Volume: 14, Number: 1, Pages: 1-8 | | September, 2013 |
A Survey On Recent Advances in IPTV | Hussein Alzoubi, Mohammed Halloush, Zakaria Alqudah, and Osameh Alkofahi | Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Systems (JJCIT) | Volume: 2, Number: 2, Pages: 86-106. | | August, 2016 |
A Rate-maximizing Spectrum Sharing Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks with Generic Resource Constraints | Rami Halloush, Mohammed Halloush, Islam Almalkawi, Ahmed Musa and Haythem Bany Salameh | Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies | ---- | ---- | 2019 |
Highly-reliable Transmission and Channel Assignment for CR-IoT Networks | R Halloush, HB Salameh, A Musa, M Halloush, MA Shunnar | IEEE Internet of Things Journal | ---- | IEEE | 2021/8/2 |
Securing the Transmission While Enhancing the Reliability of Communication Using Network Coding in Block-Wise Transfer of CoAP | Mohammed Halloush | Security and Communication Networks | ---- | ---- | 28/3/2024 |