Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Feasibility Study of Sustainable Energy Integration in A Fossil Fuel Rich Countryد. عبدالله المهيزع، د. حسين محمد خلف المصري، د. مارك إحسانيIEEE Transactions on Industry Applications--------13/06/2019م
Optimal Coordination of Wind Power and Pumped Hydro Energy StorageHussein M. K. Al-Masri, Ayman Al-Quraan, Ahmed AbuElrub, Mehrdad EhsaniEnergies--------19/11/2019
Feasibility investigation of a hybrid on-grid wind photovoltaic retrofitting systemHussein M Al-Masri, Mehrdad EhsaniIEEE Transactions on Industry applications52IEEE2015/12/30
Accurate wind turbine annual energy computation by advanced modelingHussein MK Al-Masri, Abdullah A Almehizia, Mehrdad EhsaniIEEE Transactions on Industry Applications53IEEE2017/5
Integration of Renewable Energy Sources By Load Shifting and Utilizing Value StorageAbdullah A Almehizia, Hussein MK Al-Masri, Mark EhsaniIEEE Transactions on Smart Grid----IEEE2018/9/24
Scenario Aggregation Based Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Plant DesignA. Abuelrub, O. Saadeh, H.M.K Al-MasriSustainability10----2018
Feasibility Study of Sustainable Energy Sources in a Fossil Fuel Rich CountryAbdullah A Almehizia, Hussein MK Al-Masri, Mehrdad EhsaniIEEE Transactions on Industry Applications55IEEE2019/6/13
Optimal Coordination of Wind Power and Pumped Hydro Energy StorageHussein MK Al-Masri, Ayman Al-Quraan, Ahmad AbuElrub, Mehrdad EhsaniEnergies12Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute2019/1
Hybrid Energy System Design Using Greedy Particle Swarm and Biogeography-Based OptimisationAhmad Abu-Elrub, Mohammad Khamees, Jehad Ababneh, Hussein Al-MasriIET Renewable Power Generation----IET Digital Library2020/3/18
Impact of Different Photovoltaic Models on the Design of a Combined Solar Array and Pumped Hydro Storage SystemHussein MK Al-Masri, Sharaf K Magableh, Ahmad Abuelrub, Osama Saadeh, Mehrdad EhsaniApplied Sciences10Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute2020/1
Multi-figure of merit optimization for global scale sustainable power systemsHussein MK Al-Masri, Ahmad AbuElrub, Abdullah A Almehizia, Mehrdad EhsaniRenewable Energy134Pergamon2019/4/1
Optimal Coordination of Wind Power and Pumped Hydro Energy Storage --------12Energies 2019-11-19 00:00:00
Impact of Different Photovoltaic Models on the Design of a Combined Solar Array and Pumped Hydro Storage System --------10 Applied Sciences2020-05-25 00:00:00
New Method for Assessing the Energy Potential of Wind Sites- A Case Study in Jordan--------7----2020-06-02 00:00:00
Technical Design and Optimal Energy Management of a Hybrid Photovoltaic Biogas Energy System Using Multi-Objective Grey Wolf OptimizationHussein Mohammad Al-Masri, Abed Al-Rahman Al-SharqiIET Renewable Power Generation--------5-8-2020
Hybrid Energy System Design Using Greedy Particle Swarm and Biogeography-Based Optimisation--------14IET Renewable Power Generation2020-07-23 00:00:00
Hybrid wind-solar grid-connected system planning using scenario aggregation method----------------2020-07-15 00:00:00
Comparative study between measured and estimated wind energy yield--------28----2020-09-25 00:00:00
Rolling horizon control architecture for distributed agents of thermostatically controlled loads enabling long-term grid-level ancillary services --------127----2021-05-01 00:00:00
Optimal Allocation of a Hybrid Photovoltaic Biogas Energy System using Multi-Objective Feasibility Enhanced Particle Swarm AlgorithmHussein M. K. Al-Masri, Abed A. Al-Sharqi, Sharaf K. Magableh, Ali Q. Al-Shetwi, Maher G M Abdolrasol and Taha Selim UstunSustainability--------9/1/2022
Sensitivity Analysis for Voltage Stability Considering Voltage Dependent Characteristics of Loads and DGsKhaled Alzaareer, Maarouf Saad, Hasan Mehrjerdi, Qusay Salem, Salman Harasis, Al-Motasem I Aldaoudeyeh, Hussein MK Al-MasriIEEE Access--------17/11/2021
Review of the Estimation Methods of Energy Consumption for Battery Electric BusesAli Saadon Al-Ogaili, Ali Q Al-Shetwi, Hussein MK Al-Masri, Thanikanti Sudhakar Babu, Yap Hoon, Khaled Alzaareer, NV BabuEnergies14MDPI2021/1
Realistic coordination and sizing of a solar array combined with pumped hydro storage systemHussein MK Al-Masri, Sharaf K Magableh, Ahmad Abuelrub, Khaled AlzaareerJournal of Energy Storage41Elsevier2021/9/1
Output power computation and sizing of a photovoltaic array by advanced modelingHussein MK Al-Masri, Sharaf K Magableh, Ahmad AbuelrubSustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments47Elsevier2021/10/1
Power curve modelling of wind turbines‐A comparison studyAyman Al‐Quraan, Hussein Al‐Masri, Mohammed Al‐Mahmodi, Ashraf RadaidehIET Renewable Power Generation16IET2022/2
Active Power Control to Mitigate Frequency Deviations in Large-Scale Grid-Connected PV System Using Grid-Forming Single-Stage InvertersAli Q Al-Shetwi, Walid K Issa, Raed F Aqeil, Taha Selim Ustun, Hussein MK Al-Masri, Khaled Alzaareer, Maher GM Abdolrasol, Majid A AbdullahEnergies15MDPI2022/3/10
High-Performance Implementation of Power Components on FPGA PlatformAmin Jarrah, Zaid Sari Haymoor, Hussein MK Al-Masri, Abedalmuhdi AlmomanyJournal of Electrical Engineering & Technology17Springer Nature Singapore2022/5
New voltage sensitivity analysis for smart distribution grids using analytical derivation: ABCD modelKhaled Alzaareer, Maarouf Saad, Hasan Mehrjerdi, Hussein MK Al-Masri, Ali Q Al-Shetwi, Dalal Asber, Serge LefebvreInternational Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems137Elsevier2022/5/1
Active Power Control to Mitigate Frequency Deviations in Large-Scale Grid-Connected PV System Using Grid-Forming Single-Stage InvertersAli Q Al-Shetwi, Walid K Issa, Raed F Aqeil, Taha Selim Ustun, Hussein MK Al-Masri, Khaled Alzaareer, Maher GM Abdolrasol, Majid A AbdullahEnergies15MDPI2022/3/10
Review of the Estimation Methods of Energy Consumption for Battery Electric BusesAli Saadon Al-Ogaili, Ali Q Al-Shetwi, Hussein MK Al-Masri, Thanikanti Sudhakar Babu, Yap Hoon, Khaled Alzaareer, NV Phanendra BabuEnergies14MDPI2021/11/12
Feasibility Study for Electric Vehicle Usage in a Microgrid Integrated with Renewable EnergyAhmad Abuelrub, Fadi Hamed, Jehad Hedel, Hussein MK Al-MasriIEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification--------2023/2/8
Wind Energy Conversions, Controls, and Applications: A Review for Sustainable Technologies and DirectionsMA Hannan, Ali Q Al-Shetwi, MS Mollik, Pin Jern Ker, M Mannan, M Mansor, Hussein MK Al-Masri, TM MahliaSustainability15Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute2023/1
Realistic performance evaluation and optimal energy management of a large-scale bifacial photovoltaic systemHussein MK Al-Masri, Oraib M Dawaghreh, Sharaf K MagablehEnergy Conversion and Management--------2023/6/15
Optimal configuration of a large scale on-grid renewable energy systems with different design strategiesHussein MK Al-Masri, Oraib M Dawaghreh, Sharaf K MagablehJournal of Cleaner Production--------2023/6/2
Optimal Prediction of Wind Energy Resources Based on WOA—A Case Study in JordanAyman Al-Quraan, Bashar Al-Mhairat, Ahmad MA Malkawi, Ashraf Radaideh, Hussein MK Al-MasriSustainability--------2023/2/21
Solving wind‐integrated unit commitment problem by a modified African vultures optimization algorithmAhmad Abuelrub, Boshra Awwad, Hussein MK Al‐MasriIET Generation, Transmission & Distribution--------2023
Latest advancements in smart grid technologies and their transformative role in shaping the power systems of tomorrow: An overviewAli Q Al-Shetwi, MA Hannan, Hussein MK Al-Masri, Muhamad Zahim SujodProgress in Energy----IOP Publishing2024/12/19