Stock liquidity and free float: Evidence from the UK | Ghaith El-Nader | Managerial Finance | ---- | ---- | 8/ 2018 |
Does stock ownership impact liquidity and dividends? | Ghaith El-Nader | Investment Management and Financial Innovations | ---- | ---- | 7/2018 |
Stock liquidity and free float: Evidence from the UK | ---- | ---- | 44 | Managerial Finance | 2018-10-08 00:00:00 |
Does stock ownership impact liquidity and dividends ? | ---- | ---- | 15 | Investment Management and Financial Innovations | 2018-07-23 00:00:00 |
Examining the Effects of News and Media Sentiments on Volatility and
Correlation: Evidence from the UK | ---- | ---- | 82 | Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance | 2021-09-30 00:00:00 |
Do idiosyncratic volatility and liquidity in stock returns still matter in post global financial crisis? UK evidence | Ghaith El-Nader, Yasmeen Al-Halabi | International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance | ---- | ---- | 2022 |