Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Traslatability of Style in Modern Arabic LiteratureFadia.HuwariYarmouk University2009
The Pragmatic Function of the Discourse Marker Bas in Jordanian Spoken Arabic: Evidence from a CorpusRafat Al Rousan/ Ahmad Al Harahsheh/ Fadia HuwariJournal of Educational and Social ResearchVol 10Sciendo-DeGruyter2020 Jan
What’s Up Jordanians? Investigating Speech Acts within WhatsApp Profile StatusRafat Al Rousan, Yarmouk University, Jordan Ahmad Mohammad Al-Harahsheh, Yarmouk University, Jordan Fadia Huwari, Yarmouk University, JordanThe International Journal of Communication and Linguistic Studies20Common Ground Research Networks2022/5/6