Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Human mesenchymal stem cells exhibit altered mitochondrial dynamics and poor survival in high glucose microenvironment.Abu-El-Rub E, Almahasneh F, Khasawneh RR, Alzu'bi A, Ghorab D, Almazari R, Magableh H, Sanajleh A, Shlool H, Mazari M, Bader NS, Al-Momani J.World J Stem Cells.15PMID2023
Nicotine abuse and neurodegeneration: Novel pharmacogenetic targets to aid quitting and reduce the risk of dementiaAlmahasneh F, Gerges RH, Abu-El-Rub E, Khasawneh RRCNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets22Pubmed2023