Perceptions of the Teachers of the Ramtha Brigade in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on the Reality of Using Dramatization of Curricula | Bilal M. Diabat | DIRASAT JOURNAL Educational sciences | ---- | ---- | 2019 |
Modern Technical Variables and Their Impact on the Visual Image: "The Jordanian Educational Theater Model" | Bilal M. Diabat | The Jordanian Journal of the Arts | ---- | ---- | 2018 |
The Extent of Employing Computing Simulation in production Art works among Faculty Members at Yarmouk University | . Bilal M. Diabat | The Faculty of Specific Education, Alexandria University, | ---- | ---- | 2018 |
Effectiveness of the Theory of Multiple Intelligence in Jordanian Educational Drama: Selected models | Bilal M. Diabat- Ghassan. E. Haddad | المجلة المصرية للدراسات المتخصصة | 25 | جامعة عين شمس | 2020 |
Analytical Study of the Jordanian Puppet Theatre. The Play "I Want to Have Fun, Joy, and Learn" as a Model | Bilal M. Diabat, Department of Drama, College of Arts, Yarmouk University | المجلــة الاردنية للفنون | مجلـد 13 | جامعة اليرموك | 2020 |
The concepts of creative drama and its effects on the educational theatre of child in Jordan | Dr. Bilal M. Diabat | مجلة المناره للبحوث والدراسات | 25 | DSpace at Al al-Bayt University | 2019 |
The Effect of The Theater Show on the Development of Science Fiction in The Jordanian child Theater, Moon Valley's play is a Model | Dr. Bilal M. Diabat | مجلة بحوث في العلوم والفنون النوعية | 4 | جامعة الإسكندرية- كلية التربية | 2020 |
Psychodrama issues and its Effect on Directing in theater show | Bilal M. Diabat | مجلة مؤتة للبحوث والدراسات | ---- | مجلة مؤتة للبحوث والدراسات | 2021 |