Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Impact of a domestic wastewater plant on groundwater pollution, north JordanObeidat, M., Awawdeh, M., Al-Mughaid, H. The Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas2013
Integrated GIS and Remote Sensing for Mapping Groundwater Potentiality in the Tulul al Ashaqif, NortAwawdeh, M., Obeidat, M., Al-Mohammad, M., Al-Qudah, K., Jaradat, R. Arabian Journal of GeosciencesDOI: 10.1007/s12517-013-0964-8Elsever2013
Multivariate statistical analysis and environmental isotopes of Amman/Wadi Sir (B2/A7) groundwater, Obeidat, M., Awawdeh, M., Abu Al-Rub, FHydrological Processes 27(17): 2449-24612013
Rainwater harvesting assessment for a small size urban area in JordanAwawdeh, M., Al-Shraideh, S., Al-Qudah, K., Jaradat, RInternational Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering 4(12):415–4222012
Evaluation of Aquifers Vulnerability to Contamination in the Yarmouk River Basin, Jordan, Based on DAwawdeh, M., Jaradat, RArabian Journal of Geosciences 3(3):273-2822010
Weathering Processes Effects on the Chemistry of the Main Springs of the Yarmouk Basin, North Jordanatayneh, A., Al-Momani, I., Jaradat, R., Awawdeh, M., Rawashdeh A., Ta'any, R. Journal of Environmental Hydrology 16:1-11.2008
A Web-based GIS Decision Support System for Managing and Planning USDA's Conservation Reserve Progra• Rao, M., Fan, G., Thomas, J., Cherian, G., Chudiwale, V., Awawdeh, MEnvironmental Modelling & Software 22: 1270-1280.2007
Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination in Irbid Governorate, North JordanNawafleh, A., Awawdeh, M., Salameh, EDIRASAT 38(2)University of Jordan2011
A GIS-based EPIK Model for Assessing Aquifer Vulnerability in Irbid Governorate, North Jordan. JordaAwawdeh, M., Nawafleh, A. Journal of Civil Engineering 2(3):267-2782008
Deaggregation of Probabilistic Ground Motions for Selected Jordanian Cities”. Jordan Jaradat, R., Nuseir, O., Awawdeh, M., Qaryouti, M., Fahjan, Y., Rawabdeh, A.Journal of Civil Engineering 2(2):172-1962008
Prediction of the Soil Erosion in the Jordanian Part of the Yarmouk River Basin Using a GIS-based ReAwawdeh, M., Bani Domi, M. Abhath Al-Yarmouk: "Humanities and Social Sciences Series"25(2):443-4522009
The Conservation Reserve Program in Texas County, Oklahoma: A GIS-Based Evaluation. Awawdeh, M., Rao, M. ISBN 978-3-8473-4234-2. LAMBERT Academic Publishing.2012.
An Innovative Nitrate Pollution Index and Multivariate Statistical Investigations of Groundwater QuaObeidat, M., Awawdeh, M., Abu Al-Rub, F., Al-Ajlouni, A.Voudouris, K. and Voutsa, D. (eds) "Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment”. ISBN 978-953-51-0486-5.INTECH Open Access Publisher. 2012
. Landslide susceptibility mapping using GIS and weighted overlay method: a case study from North JordanAwawdeh, M, ElMughrabi, M. . Atallah, M.Environmental Earth Sciences77----2018
Integrating morphological characters, molecular markers, and distribution patterns to assess the identity of Blepharis species from JordanMuhaidat, R., Brake, M., Al Zoubi, M., Colautti, R., Al-Nasser, A., Awawdeh, M., Al-Batayneh, K., Al Khateeb, W., McKown, A., Lahham, J. and El-Oqlah, A.Botanical Studies59----2018
Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment Using Modified SINTACS model in Wadi Shueib, JordanAwawdeh, M., Obeidat, M., Al-Kharabsheh, N.,Annals of GIS2020Taylor & Francis Online2020-06-12 00:00:00
Environmental Awareness of Recycling at Higher Educational Level: Yarmouk University/Jordan as a Case StudyOdat, S. and Awawdeh, M.Poll Research39Pollution Research2020-10-01 00:00:00
Identification and apportionment of nitrate sources in the phreatic aquifers in Northern Jordan using a dual isotope method (?15N and ?18O of NO3-)Obeidat, M., Awawdeh, M., Matiatos, I., Al-Ajlouni A. and Al-Mughaid, H.Groundwater for Sustainable Development12Groundwater for Sustainable Development2021-02-01 00:00:00
Source identification of nitrate in the upper aquifer system using ?15N-NO3 and ?18O-NO3, Wadi Shueib Catchment Area, JordanObeidat, M., Awawdeh, M., Al-Kharabsheh, N.Journal of Arid Land----Journal of Arid Land2021-02-06 00:00:00
Morphometric Analysis and Prioritisation of Watersheds for Flood Risk Management in Wadi Easal Basin (WEB), Jordan, Using Geospatial Technologies.Obeidat, M., Awawdeh, M., Al-Hantouli, F.Journal of Flood Risk Management14Journal of Flood Risk Management2021-03-15 00:00:00
Assessment of groundwater quality in the area surrounding Al-Zaatari Camp, Jordan, using cluster analysis and water quality index (WQI)Obeidat M. and Awawdeh M.Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences----The Hashemite Universit2021