Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Publication list, please see the C.V.
Instructional Software for Teaching Ac Voltage Controller Using MATLAB Graphical User InterfaceIbrahim A. Altawil(JEAS) Journal of Engineering and Applied Science2006
Effect of Instructional software on Achievement of Undergraduate Student in Power electronicsI. A. Altawil and H. Y. Yamin(IJEE) International Journal of Engineering Education2008
A Novel Method for Current Harmonic Compensation at Distribution Power Lines, Part 1: Current HarmonMamoun F. Al-Mistarihi1, Ibrahim A. Altawil1, Mohammad H. Al-Zoubi2, Qasem M. Al-Zoubi2, Mazen T. AlCegrey ConferenceMay 2010
Risk-based self-scheduling for GenCos in the day-ahead competitive electricity marketsH. Y. Yamin, I. A. Altawil, A. F. Al-Ajlouni and S. M. Shahidehpour European Transaction on Electrical Power2009
A New Developed Educational Approach to Improve Conventional Teaching Methodology of the Power ElectH.Y. Yamin, I.A. Altawil, A.F. Al-Ajlouni, and A.S. Al-FahoumJournal of Computer Applications in Engineering Education2009
Novel Educational Approach to Enhance Conventional Teaching Methodology of Power Electronics using MI.A. Altawil, H.Y. Yamin, A.F. Al-Ajlouni, and Ali EyadehInternational Journal of Innovation and Learning (IJIL)2009
Load Balancing in Distribution Networks based on SSA Optimized AlgorithmIBRAHIM A. I. ALTAWIL, MOHAMMAD AWAD MOMANIWSEAS TRANSACTIONS on POWER SYSTEMS19World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society30/7/2024