Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Health care cost containment strategies: The Jordanian ExperienceAli RawabdehInternational Journal Of Health Planning and Management, Int J Health Planning Mgmt: 20Wiley InterScience 2005
The Wastage factors in the Jordanian Health System: An Analytical Study, from Physicians' Viewpoints in the Capital GovernorateAli RawabdehArab Journal for AdministrationVol. 26Arab Organization for Administrative Development 2006.
Factors Affecting Time Utilization: A Branch Banking Point of ViewAbu-Doleh, Ahmad Marwah, Rawabdeh AliHalab University JournalVol. 42,-Halab University2005
Surgical Site Infections Incidence, their Predictors and Causative Organisms in a Teaching HospitalAli Ahmad Awad Rawabdeh, Abdul Rahman Saleh Al Mulhim, Zahid Ullah KhanInternational Journal of Community & Family Medicine1: Article ID 1:IJCFM-104, 6 pagesGraphy Publications Inspiring Innovations & Discoveries2016
An Integrated Privatization Initiative for the Jordanian Health Care SystemAli RawabdehThe Eleventh International Private and Public sector Partnership Conference,Romania, .----The Eleventh International Private and Public sector Partnership Conference,Romania, May 25-28.2005
Standard Birth Measures and their Conditional Expectations in the Northern Part of JordanAli. A. A RawabdehInternational Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences7Sumathi Publications - Green Policies in RoMEO2017
The Internationalization and globalization of Institutional and Program Accreditation in Higher Education:Ali RawabdehInternational Journal for Business Insight and Transformation IJBITVol 10----2017
Health Financing Policies in Jordan: The Allocation of Public Expenditures in Global ContextAli A Rawabdeh, Anis S KhassawnehMakara J. Health Res.(3)Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia2018
Reforming policy roles in the Jordanian policy‐making process.Rami Tbaishat, Ali RawabdehJournal of Public Affairs: an international Journal(2018); e1886. Wiley & Sons Ltd (Elsever)2018
The Worldwide Setting of Higher Education Quality Enhancement Activities Coupled with KPIs: An open Composition for Yarmouk UniversityA.A Rawabdeh, Rami M. Tubaishat, Jamal Abu-Doleh, Anis S. Khassawneh, (2109OpcionAÑO 34----2019
The influence of selected maternal factors on certain birth measures in JUST teaching hospitaAli Ahmad Awwad Rawabdeh, Rami M. Tbaishat, Jamal D. Abu-Doleh, and , Anis S. KhassawnehIndian Journal of Science and Technology,Vol 12(28,----2019
(2019), The intersection of national and international quality assurance procedures in higher education in Jordan: a deduced guide for academic programs and curricula at Yarmouk University9Ali Ahmad Awwad Rawabdeh* , Rami M. Tbaishat, Jamal D. Abu-Doleh, and , Anis S. Khassawnehaccepted for publication in the Int. J. Public Sector Performance Management, Vol. X, No. Y,2forthcoming issues----2019
Reforming Health Policy in Jordan: Finance and Allocating Public Expenditures: a Worldwide ReviewAli A.A. Rawabdeh*1, Rami M. Tbaishat2, Ahmad Zakaria3 and Iman El Hajj Dib Zakaria4, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 12(38), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i38/14612412----2019
Presenting a typology of efficiency and their plausible measurement into healthcare systems: a global viewAli Ahmad Awwad RawabdehUniversal Journal of Public Health9Universal Journal of Public Health 9(5): 276-286, 2021, DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2021.090510.2021
The Economic Burden of Common Hospital Acquired Infections at Princes Bassma Hospital (PBH) in Jordan in 2019: a reviewAli Ahmad Awwad RawabdehUniversal Journal of Public Health10----2022
Health Services Management: The Inclusive Sceneries of Higher Education Quality Enhancement Endeavours for the College of Medicine at Yarmouk UniversityAli A. A. RawabdehJournal of Health ManagementVolume 26 Issue 3 (June 2024 IssueSage2024/4/1
Building a Global Virtual Healthcare System: Challenges and OpportunitiesDr. Ali Ahmad Awad RawabdehThe Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development (JIPD)Expected in 10EnPress18/7/2024
Building a Global Virtual Healthcare System: Challenges and OpportunitiesDr. Ali Ahmad Awad RawabdehThe Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development (JIPD)Expected 10EnPress18/7/2024