Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
Active Control of Broadband and Periodic Acoustic Noise Using Adaptive TechniquesAhmad F. AL-Ajlouni1997
Approximation of nonlinear systems with radial basis function neural networksSchilling, R.J.; Carroll, J.J., Jr.; Al-Ajlouni, A.F.IEEE Trans on Neural NetworksVolume 12, number 1, Pages: 1 –15.2001
A Quiet Standing Index for Testing the Postural Sway of Healthy and Diabetic Adults Across a Range oR. J. Schilling, E. M. Bollt, G. D. Fulk, J. D. Skufca, A. F. Al-Ajlouni, and C. J. RobinsonIEEE Transactions on Biomedical EngineeringVolume 56, Issue 2 Page(s):292 - 302. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering2009
Fuzzy Approaches to Optimal Generation Scheduling for Gencos in Competitive Electricity MarketsAhmad Al-Ajlouni; H.Y. Yamin; W. Qassem; S.M. Shahidehpour International Journal of Modelling and Simulation. Volume 302010
Novel Approach for Dynamic Optimal Power Flow Using Nonlinear Network Flow AlgorithmAhmad F. Al-Ajlouni, H.Y. Yamin, Basam HarbJournal of Active & Passive Electronic DevicesVolume 6 , Number 3- Pages 193-2022011
Effect of Instructional Software on Achievement of Undergraduate Students in Digital Signal Processi Ahmad. F. Al-Ajlouni, H.Y. Yamin and B. HarbVolume 18, Issue 4, pages 703–7082010
Periodic active noise cancellation using recursive estimation of the unknown fundamental frequencyAhmad F. Al-Ajlouni; Bassam Harb Vol 46 nº 8, Page 1-15.2003
A hybrid ECG signal compression algorithm using the wavelet transformEyadeh, A; A. El-Ajlouni; B. RajoubVol 46 nº 6 Pages 43-54.2003
Active Control of narrowband acoustic noise of unknown frequency using a phase locked loopR. J. Schilling Ahmad. AL-Ajlouni, J.J. Carroll and S.L. HarrisInternational Journal of System ScienceVolume 29, number 3, Pages 287-295.1998
A Collocation-Based Algorithm for Computing the Pull-In Range of A Class of Phases-Locked LoopsBasam Harb and Ahmad Al-AjlouniInternational Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Engineering systemVolume 35, Issue 3, Pages: 249-258.2004
Identification of nonlinear discreet-time systems using raised-cosine radial basis function networksAL-Ajlouni A. F., R. J. Schilling, and S.L. HarrisInternational Journal of System Science volume 35, number 4, pages 211–221 International Journal of System Science 2004
An ECG Signal Compressor Based On The Selection Of Optimal Threshold Levels Of Discrete Wavelet TranA. F. Al-Ajlouni , M. Abo-Zahhad, S. M. Ahmed, and R. J. SchillingJournal of Medical Engineering & TechnologyVol. 32, No. 6, P.P 425–433 2008
ECG Signal Compression Using Combined Modified Discrete-Cosine and Discrete Wavelet TransformsS. M. Ahmed, A. F. Al-Ajlouni, M. Abo-Zahhad, and B. HarbJournal of Medical Engineering & TechnologyVol. 33, No. 12009
Risk-based self-scheduling for GenCos in the day-ahead competitive electricity marketsH. Y. Yamin , A. Altawil , A. F. Al-Ajlouni , S. M. ShahidehpourVolume 19, No. 1, P.P 103-112 2009
Novel Educational Approach to Enhance Conventional Teaching Methodology of Power Electronics using MI.A. Altawil, H.Y. Yamin, A.F. Al-Ajlouni, and Ali EyadehInternational Journal of Innovation and LearningVol. 7, No. 2, Page(s)187-2012010
A New Developed Educational Approach to Improve Conventional Teaching Methodology of the Power ElectH.Y. Yamin, I.A. Altawil, A.F. Al-Ajlouni, and A.S. Al-Fahoum Volume 19, Issue 1, pages 193–2002011
Design of Two-Dimensional Recursive Digital Filters with Specified Magnitude and Group Delay CharactMohammed Abo-Zahhad, Sabah M. Ahmed , Ahmad F. Al-Ajlouni , and Nabil SaborInternational Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems EngineeringVolume 3, Number 4, Pages 222-2352010
Design of Immune Algorithm based two-dimensional recursive digital filters using multi-level OrthogoAbo-Zahhad, M. Ahamed, S.M. ; Sabor, N. ; Al-Ajlouni, A.F. Page(s): 1 – 82011
The Convergence Speed of Single-And Multi- Objective Immune Algorithm Based Optimization ProblemsM. Abo-Zahhad, S. M Ahmed, N. Sabor and A. F. Al- Ajlouni,Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 247-2662010
A New Method for Fastening the Convergence of Immune Algorithms Using an Adaptive Mutation ApproachMohammed Abo-Zahhad, Sabah M. Ahmed, Nabil Sabor, Ahmad F. Al-AjlouniJournal of Signal and Information ProcessingPages 86-912012
Periodic Disturbance Cancelation Using Generalized Phase-Locked LoopR.J. Schilling, A. F. Al-Ajlouni, E.S.Sazonov, and A.K.Ziarani Vol. 38, No. 12010
Price Volatility Forecasting using Artificial Neural Networks in Emerging Electricity MarketsA.F. Al-Ajlouni, H.Y. Yamin, A. EyadInternational Journal of Power and Energy Conversion Volume 3, Number 3–4, Pages 157-183 .2012
“Digital Filters Design Educational Software Based on Immune, Genetic and Quasi-Newton Line Search Mohammed Abo-Zahhad, Sabah M. Ahamed, Ahmad F. Al-Ajlouni , and Nabil SaborThe International Journal of Innovation and LearningVolume 9, Number 1 Pages 35-62 2011
A new algorithm for the compression of ECG signals based on mother wavelet parameterization and bestMohammed Abo-Zahhad, Ahmad F. Al-Ajlouni, Sabah M. Ahmed, and R. J. Schilling
Computing The Pull-in range of a Second- Order Phase Locked Loop With Tanlock Phase Detector CharactHarb, B., Al-Ajlouni, A. Journal of Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Computing the Heteroclinic Orbits in a Single Machine Infinite Busbar Power SystemHarb, B., Al-Ajlouni, A
The Effect of Immune Algorithm Parameters Variation on The Convergence Speed of Single- And Multi-ObMohammed Abo-Zahhad, Sabah M. Ahmed, and Nabil Sabor, Ahmad F. Al-Ajlouni
Wavelet threshold based ECG data compression technique using immune optimization algorithmMohammed Abo-Zahhad, Sabah M Ahmed, Nabil Sabor, Ahmad F Al-AjlouniInternational Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition--------2015
A Collocation-Based Algorithm for Analyzing Bifurcations in Phase Locked Loops with Tanlock and Sawtooth Phase DetectorsAli Eyadeh , Bassam A. Harb , Ahmad Al-AjlouniMathematical Problems in Engineering--------2018/7/4
Computer System in the Jordanian Public Sector an Economic and Logistic Point of ViewsAli Aeadh and Ahmad Al-AjlouniThe International Conference on Business Decision and Technology, Kuwait--------2002
Two Points Adaptive Broadband Active Noise Cancellation SystemR. J. Schilling , Ahmad Al-Ajlouni999 International Wireless and Telecommunications Symposium,--------1999
Chaos Control of Third Order Phase Locked Loop Using Sliding Mode Nonlinear ControllerBassam A. Harb, Ahmad f. Al-Ajlouni, Ahmad M. HarbInternational Review on Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS)Vol. 12 N. 4----Augest 2019
Intelligent Secure Networking in In?band Full?duplex Dynamic Access Networks: Spectrum Management and Routing Protocol------------Journal of Network and Systems Management2021-02-18 00:00:00