Research TitleAuthorsJournalVolume & Page NumbersPublisherYear
(1 ) Minimal and w- Linearly Independent Sequences in Locally Convex Spaces. Jain P. K., Jarrah A. M. and Sinha D.P.Indian J. Pure and Applied Math’s.22(3): 203-211. India 1991
(2 ) Boundedly Complete Bases in Various Locally Convex SpacesJain P. K., Jarrah A. M. and Sinha D.P. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer – Verlag. Proc. Int.Conf. of Math’s. Delhi Univ. 1511: 128 – 140. Germany1992
(3 ) Almost Shrinking, Semi Shrinking and Semi Boundedly Complete Schauder Bases in Locally ConJain P. K., Jarrah A. M. and Sinha D.P. Indian Journal Math. 34: 61 – 72. India1992
(4) Markushivich Bases in Conjugate Topological Vector Spaces. Jarrah A. M. Abhath Al-Yarmouk “ Pure. Sci. and Eng.” . 1 : 53-62. Yarmouk University- Jordan1992
(5 ) Developments in The Weak Bases Theorem.Jarrah A. M. Bulletin of the Allaabad Math. Soc. 7: 13 – 21 . Allaabad Math. Soc. ( India )1992
(6 ) Certain Types of Markushivich Bases. Jarrah A. M. Mu’tah J.for Research and Studies, Natural and Applied Sciences series. 9(1): 213-224. Mu’tah University- Jordan1994
(7) Open Problems in Bases Theory. Jarrah A. M. and Abdalla TallafhaMath. Stud64( 1-4): 95 – 100. India1995
(8) On Independent Sequences in Topological Vector Spaces. Jarrah A. M. J. of Inst. of Math. And Comp. Sci. (Math. Ser.). 9 (3): 249 – 254.India1996
(9) The Moment Spaces of Topological Vector Spaces.Jarrah A. M. Mu’tah J. for Research and Studies Natural and Applied Sciences series. 10 (5): 157-164.Mu’tah University - Jordan1996
(10) Weak* - Markusevic -Star Decomposition’s of Conjugate Banach Spaces. Jarrah A. M. Pan American Math. Journal. 7(1): 89-99. USA1997
(11) Complementary Subspaces Isomorphic to Nuclear G∞ -Space.Abdalla Tallafha and Jarrah A. M.Math. Sc. Res. Hot line.2(3) : 27-40. USA1998
(12) BK Spaces Bases and Linear Operators.Al-Jarrah A. M. and Malkowsky E. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. 52(II): 177-191. Italy1998
(13) On Certain Weighted Mean Inequalities. Jarrah A. M. and Jain P. K. Math. Stud. 68(1-4): 207–210.India1999
(14) The Second Dual Spaces of the Sets of - Λ - Strongly Convergent and Bounded Sequences. Jarrah A. M. and Malkowsky E.International J. Math. Math. Science . 24 (2): 121-128. USA2000
(15) The Dual Space of the Sets of - Λ - Strongly Convergent and Bounded Sequences. Jarrah A. M. and Malkowsky E.Tamkang J. Math. 31 (2): 109 - 121. Taiwan2000
(16) A Limiting Case of Hardy’s Inequality. Jarrah A. M. and Singh A.P. Indian J. of Math. 43 (1): 21-36. India2001
(17). Minimally Supported Frequency Wavelet Packets. Jarrah A. M. and Kalil AhmedCurrent Trends in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Anamaya Publishers. 223 - 227. India2002
(18). Mixed Norm Spaces in Difference Sequences and Matrix Transformations. Jarrah A. M. and Malkowsky E.Mathematicki Vesnik. 54 : 93 – 110 . Yugoslavia2002
(19). Matrix Transformations and Some Inclusion Theorems for Weighted Means and - Λ - Strong Jarrah A. M. and Malkowsky E. Soochow Journal of Mathematics. 29( 1): 55-68. People Republic of China2003
(20). Ordinary, Absolute and Strong Summability and Matrix Transformations. Jarrah A. M. and Malkowsky E. FILOMAT .17: 59 – 78 . Yugoslavia2003
(21) The Space bv(p) , Its β Dual and Matrix Transformations. Jarrah A. M. and Malkowsky E.COLLECTANEA MATHEMATICA. 55 ( 2 ) : 151-162.SPAIN2004
(22). Certain Characterizations of Wavelet Packets. Jarrah A. M. , Rakesh Kumar and Kalil AhmedAtti Sem.mat.Fis.Univ.Modena e Reggio Emilia,LIII.147-164.Italy2005
(23) Bounded linear operators for Some New Matrix Transformations. M. Mursaleen, A.M. Jarrah and A. A. Mohiuddine Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A, 33(A2) : 169 – 177.2010
Fundamental results on weighted Caputo–Fabrizio fractional derivativeMohammed Al-Refai, Abdulla Jarrah126----Elsevier5-6-2019
Some results on vanishing moments of wavelet packets, convolution and cross-correlation of waveletsA.M.Jarrah and Nikhil KhannaArab Journal of Mathematical Sciences25Elsevier B.V.July 2019,
Wavelet Packets: Uniform Approximation and Numerical IntegrationNikhil Khanna, S.K.Kaushik and A.M.JarrahInternational Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing----World Scientific2020
Some Remarks on Boas Transform of WaveletsNikhil Khanna, S.K. Kaushik and A.M. JarrahIntegral Transforms and Special Functions & Francis2019
Some results on vanishing moments of wavelet packets, convolution and cross-correlation of waveletsA.M. Jarrah and Nikhil khannaArab Journal of Mathematical Sciences25Elsevier2019
Wavelet Packets: Uniform Approximation and Numerical Integration----------------2019-10-07 00:00:00
Some Remarks in Boas transforms of wavelets------------Integral transform and special Functions2019-09-24 00:00:00
Some results on vanishing moments of wavelet packets, convolution and cross-correlation of wavelets--------25ARAB JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES2019-07-01 00:00:00
Analysis of Fractional Differential Equations with Fractional Derivative of Generalized Mittag-Leffler KernelMohammad Al-Refai, Abdulla Aljarrah and Thabet AbdeljawadAdvances in Difference Equations----Springer10-7-2021