User Centered Matchmaking and Ranking System | Rawashdeh, A., Dwairi, R | | | ---- |
Towards a Unified Similarity Measure for Node Profiles in a Social Network | Rawashdeh A., Ralescu, A | | | ---- |
Measures of Semantic Similarity of Nodes in a Social Network | Rawashdeh, A., Rawashdeh, M., Diaz, I., Ralescu, A | | | ---- |
Concept Extraction from Arabic Text Based On Semantic Analysis | Najadat, H., Rawashdeh, A | | | ---- |
Similarity Measure for Social Networks – A Brief Survey | Rawashdeh, A., Ralescu, A | | | ---- |
An Experiment with Link Prediction in Social Network: Two New Link Prediction Methods | Rawashdeh, A | | 1070 | ---- |
An Empirical Study of Semantic Mining of Scholarly Papers Using Wordnet API. | Rawashdeh, A., Rawashdeh, M., Allu, A | | | ---- |
Comparative Evaluation of Several Classification Algorithms on News Posts Using Reddit Social Network Dataset | Rawashdeh, A., Rawashdeh, M., Rawashdeh, O | | 1363 | ---- |
A Brief Summary of Selected Link Prediction Surveys | Rawashdeh, A | | 721 | ---- |
Online Exam Proctoring: Challenges, Timeline, and a Proposed Custom Rule-Based Online Proctoring Exam Framework | Rawashdeh, A., Rawashdeh, M. | | 816 | ---- |
“ChatGPT and ChatGPT API – An experiment with evaluating ChatGPT answers | Rawashdeh, A., Rawashdeh, O., Rawashdeh, M | | 3 | ---- |